JSX + Mesa Stiletto/Rect. Traditional Test


Feb 20, 2005
Hey dudes, clip testing out ma new cab. Honestly, now that I've finally tried this amp through a cab that I know kicks ass, I've decided it's not the amp for me, so if anyone in the NY area wants a mint JSX with KT77 power tubes and black face plates for $750, PM me!

Anyway, the chain was my usual trusty ESP LTD EC-400 (EMG 81 bridge) --> TS7 --> JSX Ultra Channel, Gain 4.5 --> SM57 --> Mackie Onyx Satellite. Check it out on the soundclick player on my myspace in my sig! (and compare it to the cracked Engl cab test, I think they sound pretty similar, which isn't surprising, considering the fact that besides the retarded amount of fiberglass in the Engl, they're constructed pretty much identically!)
Sounds beefy as hell Marcus, definitely has that signature Mesa-sound in there, I can almost feel the thing pounding away.:rock:

Very nice playing there too mind I add :kickass:
Thanks dudes! Kyle, don't sell yourself short man, that clip you recorded awhile ago with your Roadster freakin' roared, but the fact is I'm just realizing the JSX is a bit too...I dunno, thin isn't quite the right word; smooth, maybe - so I'm gonna try to sell it and get an HD147 for live playing and an army of little tube amps for recording, starting with a Tiny Terror!
The guitarist in my band has a JSX, and we've found that to get any kind of chunky tone we have to use the crunch channel. Lead channel is way too smooth for anything but solos in my opinion. It's a good amp though, just not for everyone.