Judas's Priests vs The Evil Warriors

Sabin Frost

Doom makes me happy
Apr 21, 2007
South Australia, Australia
First off, I just read about this recently so forgive me any Australians who may think this is old news.

In the community of Wadeye, which is roughly 350kms SW of Darwin (for those overseas, the middle of no-where). There are two warring Aboriginal Gangs, Judas's Priests and The Evil Warriors. Where the metal comes into this is they are both utterly obsessed with it and listen to it continually, infact members of the gangs can be identified by whether they are wearing a Judas Priest or Possessed T-shirt. These gangs have been stabbing each other with knives and spears amongst other things in very violent, public gang-warfare. Tensions got so bad there were calls for the Australian National Guard to step in and keep the peace (calls which were rejected due to the isolation and relatively small size of the community).

Now to refrain from a racist remark about the nature of Aboriginals and snide remarks about the addling effects of the Australian desert sun.

EDIT: Just thought how far-fetched this may seem so I decided to include some links
if theres anything ive learned from these forums its that every single australian is a horrible racist so this wont go well
Most white Australians (myself included) are kind of, joking racists, the sort that make racist comments and cracks but dont honestly have a problem with blacks/asians etc. or subscribe to any KKK podcasts or white supremecy news letters, so dont take it seriously.

Still, its hard not to poke fun at the Aboriginals when you read stuff like this. You give them metal and what do they do... turn the largest indigineous community into a blood soaked warzone over which band is better, Judas Priest or Possessed.
do we know this really has to do anything with Metal? I mean other then their names there doesn't seem to be a indication it has to do so.. nothing in the articles mentions why the fighting is occurring. Could be about nothing but territory disputes, tensions etc. Like in America we have the Bloods and the Crips... they are always killing each other over territory, insults to each other, revenge etc.. etc. .
Of course it's not a dispute over which band is better. Duh.

Aboriginal groups are always fighting, it's often family/tribal related, territory related but most of all coz they're incredibly poor, messed up, bored and drugged fucked.
do we know this really has to do anything with Metal? I mean other then their names there doesn't seem to be a indication it has to do so.. nothing in the articles mentions why the fighting is occurring. Could be about nothing but territory disputes, tensions etc. Like in America we have the Bloods and the Crips... they are always killing each other over territory, insults to each other, revenge etc.. etc. .

Yeah I didn't gather any information from the articles provided that this had anything to do with Metal or the bands mentioned, my guess it's pure coincedence.

As far as the statement about Austrailians I will say this in their defense...

I've been deployed many times, like I am now and the Austrailians are one of our allies in which I have had the pleasure working with and socializing with and I never got the impression that they were racists people. In fact I found them truly great people to hang out with, great sense of humor, easy going attitude, just fun people to be around honestly... sure I'm sure there's a few ass holes out their but what country doesn't have them.

We have plenty of Racist ass holes in America, history proves that.
It isn't bullshit Rumpole, that is why I included the links to the ABC.

There was an article in Ralph about them and the metal part of it, the gangs uniforms are band t-shirts, so its not pure coincidence, I forgot to mention that. *before you comment on the reliability of the magazine, that report was done by journalists, it does have those, its not playboy*

It partially has to do with metal, I was joking when I implyed it was over which band is better, the fight is actually a century old rivalry between coastal tribes and inland tribes. Also, about 9 languages are spoken in that town, it is a segregated indigenous community and as challenge indicated, Aboriginals fight/drink and cause problems anyway, a town of them is bound to have more then the normal share. The Metal is just further fuel for it, along with the alcohol and drugs.

As far as Australians being racist Iron Priest, did you see the news about the riots on the Sydney beaches last year? Not coming from this country (or one which allows for more then two political parties) you would not know about the One Nation Party either. Though as I pointed out, I find there to be a lot of racist "humour" in this country and not genuine racism.
It isn't bullshit Rumpole, that is why I included the links to the ABC.

There was an article in Ralph about them and the metal part of it, the gangs uniforms are band t-shirts, so its not pure coincidence, I forgot to mention that. *before you comment on the reliability of the magazine, that report was done by journalists, it does have those, its not playboy*

It partially has to do with metal, I was joking when I implyed it was over which band is better, the fight is actually a century old rivalry between coastal tribes and inland tribes. Also, about 9 languages are spoken in that town, it is a segregated indigenous community and as challenge indicated, Aboriginals fight/drink and cause problems anyway, a town of them is bound to have more then the normal share. The Metal is just further fuel for it, along with the alcohol and drugs.

As far as Australians being racist Iron Priest, did you see the news about the riots on the Sydney beaches last year? Not coming from this country (or one which allows for more then two political parties) you would not know about the One Nation Party either. Though as I pointed out, I find there to be a lot of racist "humour" in this country and not genuine racism.

No I'm unfamilar with either the Riot or the One Nation Party. What are they about? I was just speaking on my experience with Austraillians, I'm sure there are idoits their too but I wouldn't say that all Austraillians are racists... we have many Racist jokes here in America too that people tell, doesn't mean we are all racist.
It isn't bullshit Rumpole, that is why I included the links to the ABC.

There was an article in Ralph about them and the metal part of it, the gangs uniforms are band t-shirts, so its not pure coincidence, I forgot to mention that. *before you comment on the reliability of the magazine, that report was done by journalists, it does have those, its not playboy*

It partially has to do with metal, I was joking when I implyed it was over which band is better, the fight is actually a century old rivalry between coastal tribes and inland tribes. Also, about 9 languages are spoken in that town, it is a segregated indigenous community and as challenge indicated, Aboriginals fight/drink and cause problems anyway, a town of them is bound to have more then the normal share. The Metal is just further fuel for it, along with the alcohol and drugs.

As far as Australians being racist Iron Priest, did you see the news about the riots on the Sydney beaches last year? Not coming from this country (or one which allows for more then two political parties) you would not know about the One Nation Party either. Though as I pointed out, I find there to be a lot of racist "humour" in this country and not genuine racism.

I meant that the article in The Bulletin was bullshit. The fact that their gangs are based on who likes what heavy metal band is entirely irrelevant. The relevant point, however, is that conditions in remote Aboriginal communities are deplorable and something needs to be done about it.
Australia had a White Australia policy which was only fully abolished in 1982 which had racial immigration laws, as it implys, to ensure a White Australia.

The riots I spoke of were the Cronulla riots, where around 5000 people rocked up on sydney beaches in protest after there was an assualt on the beach by someone of Lebonese descent. You can read more about that here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_Sydney_race_riots

Also, Aboriginals did not have citizenship (or the right to vote as a result) until 1967 where it was passed with a 90% vote in a referndum. That means 10% of Australia did not want Aboriginals to be considered citizens or given proper rights, they wanted them to be treated along the same lines as foreigners still.

Is it any wonder Australia and South Africa are close (Australia refused to impose a political embargo etc. on sporting teams etc. and so forth with the rest of the commonwealth on South Africa for a long period before bending under pressure. The embargo was in response to South Africa's treatment of the local black population. To this day our two countries have fairly close sporting ties and get along quite well, this traces back to the Boer War, Australia's first international conflict).
Oh and The One Nation party was a political group that won 25% of the Queensland vote a while back (Queensland is Australia's California basically), it was a nationalist group with anti-immigration beliefs that was basically fully opposed to multi-culturalism. The idea of "one nation" was giving the "natives (think America around the time of the mass irish immigration)" power and removing benefits for minority social sects (like the aboriginals) by taking away additional welfare benefits and treating them like anyone else (which sounds fair enough to treat everyone the same until you realise the drastic social divide and disadvantaged circumstances which led towards the extra welfare in the first place)
Australia had a White Australia policy which was only fully abolished in 1982 which had racial immigration laws, as it implys, to ensure a White Australia.

The riots I spoke of were the Cronulla riots, where around 5000 people rocked up on sydney beaches in protest after there was an assualt on the beach by someone of Lebonese descent. You can read more about that here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_Sydney_race_riots

Also, Aboriginals did not have citizenship (or the right to vote as a result) until 1967 where it was passed with a 90% vote in a referndum. That means 10% of Australia did not want Aboriginals to be considered citizens or given proper rights, they wanted them to be treated along the same lines as foreigners still.

Is it any wonder Australia and South Africa are close (Australia refused to impose a political embargo etc. on sporting teams etc. and so forth with the rest of the commonwealth on South Africa for a long period before bending under pressure. The embargo was in response to South Africa's treatment of the local black population. To this day our two countries have fairly close sporting ties and get along quite well, this traces back to the Boer War, Australia's first international conflict).

Well sounds like Austrailia has come along well then. America has a simular history of racism and inequality. Things have changed, not perfect but lots has changed in the last 50 years. Funny aren't the Aborininals the actual "natives" to the land? That would piss me off too, outsideres come to your country and then call you the foreigner, and tell you that you are not a citizen of this country??? Good that things have changed.
They are, but they are not a coherrant body, it is a little known fact that Australia has the highest number of indigenous languages spoken of any country world wide, there is something like 400 different Aboriginal languages. The other point of the matter is they make up maybe 0.2% of the population and there are cities with more people then Australia, so they are a very small minority, last I heard there were more Asians in Australia now then native Aboriginals.

And yes, it is true that Australia has come a long way, we are no longer taking away all aboriginal children and pairing them with white people to slowly breed them out.
They are, but they are not a coherrant body, it is a little known fact that Australia has the highest number of indigenous languages spoken of any country world wide, there is something like 400 different Aboriginal languages. The other point of the matter is they make up maybe 0.2% of the population and there are cities with more people then Australia, so they are a very small minority, last I heard there were more Asians in Australia now then native Aboriginals.

And yes, it is true that Australia has come a long way, we are no longer taking away all aboriginal children and pairing them with white people to slowly breed them out.

Wow, that kind of stuff was going on, Crazy! Well, what happend can not be changed, hopefully the world learns a lesson.