Jumping back into mixing one last time. Opinions on new rig

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Hey guys I don't really post here anymore. I also haven't mixed or recorded anything in almost a year. I had to sell all of my stuff in order to pay for fines after being evicted (cause of the idiot roomate the is my brother went to jail) and I would like to give this studio thing one last big push before I bury it and become a 9-5.

The idea is to have my SSD as a boot and program install drive and then run everything else (project files etc.) onto my other internal hard drive. I mix ITB so any compression, eq, VSTI's etc. will be run within the computer so I need to get something that will handle most CPU hog plugins (superior, orchestral programs, amp vst's etc.). If you have time to look at my list that would be awesome. If not its all good too. I think I have everything I need unless you guys recommend aftermarket fans or anything
