June 9th - CD Release Party!!!


Feb 11, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT USA
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Hi everyone, It's comfirmed! Read below for the details.
Hope to see some of you there!

Katagory V newsletter

Friday June 9th 2006 : Katagory V - "The Rising Anger" CD Release Party!

Live @ Club Vegas!
445 South 400 West
Salt Lake City, UT

Show starts @ 8:00pm
Advance tickets $6.00
$8.00 day of show

*Club Vegas is a private club for members - must me 21 years of age or older

On Friday, June 9th, Katagory V will be holding their CD release party for their upcoming 3rd album "The Rising Anger" to be release worldwide through Nightmare Records!

The album will be on hand and sold at the show of course, and the band has mentioned they will be performing a majority of the new album live, along with some classic Katagory V material.

We know some of you probably live a bit to far way to travel for this event, however, you don't need to be on hand to get the new album if this is the case - you can still pre-order the album right now through Nightmare Records!

Katagory V have invited thier good friends SHADOW and NECROPHACUS to kick off the festivities for this event.

Come out and share some drinks, some memories, hear some true metal, and get the new album while you are there!!!

"There are so many positives with 'The Rising Anger'; But the one thing that has really stood out is how much I crave the CD. I'm constantly reaching for it under circumstances that I'd normally not even be thinking of listening to music!"

4.5 out of 5 - Clint Olsen, Metal CD Ratings.com

Ruined Luna said:
Sorry I couldn't make it... I came down with something unpleasant... again. :(

Yeah... we MISSED you there! It really isn't the same playing a home show without you! It's like playing a Soccer game with out your full back.
:Saint: :waah:

J-Dubya 777 said:
So today is the 10th, How's the hangover boys & girls? ;)

The hangover lasted this long - just enought time to get here and post a bloody reply!
:kickass: :Puke:

What's you're excuse? :lol:
