Just ate one of these...


Guilty of being SEXY
May 2, 2007
Hampton, Virginia

Yes. It deserves its own thread.

I'm gonna go lie down for a while...
Is that chicken with Bacon and Cheese in the middle? What the fuck America?
That doesn't even look like something I'd eat while having a massive grease craving to get rid of a hangover.
It just looks disgusting.
Yeah yeah, collesterlol grease and all the fuck, but I've been seeing adds for it during the whole Phoenix@Detroit Game 3 and I want one badly. I'm even considering driving to KFC during uni's lunch break for one, that's if it's in Spain already, which probably won't because we don't get things until a couple of years after the rest of the world if we get it.
^I'm surprised that you guys even have KFC at all. I think it's gross too. But I will totally eat that sandwich. And now I've got to quote some stand up comedy:

"And we're never satisfied when it comes to food. 'Hey you know what would be good on this burger? A ham sandwich! Instead of a bun, let's use two donuts, that way we can have it for breakfast. Look out McGriddle, here comes the Donut Ham-Hamburger!' You guys laugh, but you know there's someone at Dunkin Donuts saying, 'That's not a bad idea... And we could have the Diet Donut Ham-Hamburger. 'Cause we need the variety.'"
People in America will eat anything, in any order, it took a woman 3 minutes to think this thing up. Next is a brick, mortar, swash-buckle sandwich from Burger King.