Just bought a FF800 and need help!


Nov 7, 2006
Hey guys,

So I just bought a FF800 and I have no clue what Im doing. I'm so used to a 002 with its monitor outs, monitor level, etc.

Anyway, I was wondering if Im doing somethings correct.

First, I am supposed to connect my monitors to the Analog 1-2 on the back, right? Second, in the Mixer, am I supposed to leave all the levels at 0db and use the trim knobs on the front? With the outputs, should I just leave it at 0db since I have the JBL LSR monitors and I can control the output with the remote? Any tips, or any documentation (besides the manual) you could point me to would be much appreciated.
theres the rme website support section, newsgroup..forum etc. theres also a tech info website. the manual pretty much covers it though. i just bought one and im still learning it..it looks like itll be a while before i figure it out completely though.