Just bought an ADA Mp-1 where can i get MOD?


Jun 17, 2008
Whats up guys.. i finally got a good deal on ebay for a ADA mp1 and I was wondering where can i get it modded?? I went to the ADA site but it takes me to some guy's site(I guess he mods them) but his from the UK... and i was wondering is that the only option??
You can buy some mod kits from this web site, but you'll need to have some pretty decent soldering skills in order to do it. I did the Mod 3.666 on my ADA sometime in 2005. It wasn't too difficult, but I've done a bunch of electronics work previous to that.

thanks dude.. so u bought the kit from the ada site???

was the mod worth it man?
Do you kno how much the mod kit goes for.. i go to the site but I dont see anything about "For sale mod kits" so i have no clue where to purchase it at.
If youre not sure that you can do it, most shops that repair televisions and whatnot will do all kinds of mods DIRT CHEAP!
yeah i think i can do it.. if not im sure my computer engineer teacher would be glad to help... my only problem is i dont know where to purchase the Mod kit from?