Just bought : Jackson JS30RR Rhoads V


Jan 10, 2005
So I went to Sam Ash today to pick up some strings. And I see this Rhoads V. I go take a gander at it, and I'm admiring it. I've been looking at them online, pretty good deal $300. So I was about to leave, and I stopped, and asked the sales guy to get it down for me. I plug it into a Krank Krankenstein they had, and I start rippin' away. I was shocked. The neck actually plays really well, everything is pretty damn clear. It's got an alder body, bolt-on maple neck w/ rosewood fingerboard, 24 jumbo frets, Tune-O-Matic bridge w/ string-thru body. Black with chrome hardware. Now, I'm sitting there, thinking "hmm, only $300..." So I keep jamming on it, and I literally could not leave it behind. So I bought it. Brought it home, plugged into my Mesa MarkIV/Mesa 2x12 w/V30's, and was even more impressed. I'm actually really glad I bought it. I've wanted another Rhoads V for a long time, and honestly I never thought I'd buy a guitar this cheap and be impressed and/or happy with it. The only cosmetic thing I wish were different would be some neck/headstock binding. And different inlays, but this is going to be a beater guitar, so I can't wish for too much, especially at $300 out the door.

Right now on the list of possible mods is a natural finish. I might strip it down and seal it, depending on the wood grain underneath, but right now looking at it, the finish is actually really nice. So that's far off and still up in the air.

The only thing I think I will do to it for sure is replace the pickups. Right now there is a pair of Jackson humbuckers in it. They have the plastic cover on them, like an EMG does, but it says "Jackson" in the corner where "EMG" would be. Passive, of course. I'm wondering if I should just throw a new set of passives, or go with an EMG-85 in the bridge, 81 in the neck. The stock pups aren't all that bad. I mean, yeah they could be better, but damn if they aren't surprising for a guitar that was only 3 bills. So, really good passives for metal? Or an EMG set? Or just an 85 in the bridge? I was thinking I wouldn't really use the neck hummer at all, I mean, this would be a live show guitar for my band The Forgetful Reagans (link to clips in my signature), so yeah.


Jackson are quality instruments. Although I only have once Jackson, a SLSMG soloist, its very very sweet. My other two are Charvels. A Model 6 with a Kahler and a Model A with a Charvel locking tremolo. The neck on Model A is to die for. But yeah, Jacksons are good :rock:
006, i've only played a Jackson with active EMG's once, and was not impressed. I very much like the Jacksons with passive pups, like the seymour JB/Jazz combo. I think the tone in the wood doesnt quite go that well with the active EMG's. Of course if you have a guitar with that wood and EMG's, and you didnt mind the sound, go for the EMG's.

I'm afraid im gona go back to this, but how would you compare the feel and playability of the V to a Schecter C sereis?
One of my friends just picked an RR3 Rhoads for $500 CAN ($435 US) slapped a Seymour Duncan Screamin' Demon in it and couldn't be happier.
It's a pretty decent guitar for the price and got a killer deal seeing those cost $100US more online and that's before all the Customs duties you have to pay to import it to Canada.
Well, I have a Jackson USA custom Shop RR-1 Rhoads with a Floyd and an 81bridge/85 neck. It's great for leads, but I never liked it for rhythms. The body on that is alder as well. I think alder is a very bright wood, compared to mahogany anyway. Since the 85 is suppose to have more low-end than an 81, I'm inclined to believe that it *should* be alright in this guitar. However, I'm not too keen on having to route the body for a battery compartment, and I really hate soldering. I have converted a couple of guitars to active set-ups with EMG's before, and I did them all at once. Now, being a couple of years later, I'm not sure I really want to go through that again, heh.

I'm quite certain a good set of passives, or even just one new on in the bridge, will be fine. But I haven't kept up with the passives game lately, so if anyone would be so kind as to clue me in on what's hot nowadays for heavy rhythms. I use to have a Duncan Custom Custom that I had bought brand new with the intention of slapping it into my Gibson LP, but I never did, and sold it on eBay long ago. I never got the chance to see how it sounded. So anyone got some good passive hummer ideas? Like I said, I'll be tuning to C standard, and playing the stuff in the link in my signature for The Forgetful Reagans, so something that will do that of course. Thanks guys. I can take pics in the middle of the week sometime, but for now...


I've had a cheapie Jackson Rhoads V for the last 10 years. 22 fret bolt on, but with a Floyd. I dropped an EMG 81 into the bridge & an EMG-H into the neck, added a booster switch, and I couldn't be happier. The H is a single coil that's the size of a humbucker.... and happens to be absolutely beautiful for clean channel stuff.

I'd say, go with the EMGs.

I have a cheap Rhoads as well, bought it second hand. The setup was absolutely horrible when I tried the guitar at the seller's house, but it sounded pretty decent. I figured it would be a 'project' and bought it anyway. I did a complete setup and changed the pickups to a set of Duncans. I put in a Duncan Distortion and a Jazz. I'm much happier with those than with the stock pickups. I don't think the SH6 Distortion is as popular a choice as the SH4 JB is around here. I haven't had the SH4 in the bridge so I can't compare, but I know the SH6 has a little more output and significantly more mids than the SH4. As far as I know the SH5 custom has more lows and more of a scoop going on. Then there's the SH11 invader... which has mucho lows but relatively little highs.
^^ This is mostly based on hearsay and the seymour duncan website though, just so you know.
From what I understand, the JB is -only- supposed to be used in the bridge... that's where mine are...
006 said:
So anyone got some good passive hummer ideas? Like I said, I'll be tuning to C standard, and playing the stuff in the link in my signature for The Forgetful Reagans, so something that will do that of course. Thanks guys. I can take pics in the middle of the week sometime, but for now...

Yes try Bill Lawrence L-505XL brutal tone and at the same time it's very clear !!!!
Of course you can purchase the original Bill Lawrence just on his website, the other sites carrying bill lawrence are just licensed versions.

J the TyranT said:
From what I understand, the JB is -only- supposed to be used in the bridge... that's where mine are...

People often use it in the neck too (im a member of at the seymour duncan pickup forum). Ive got one in the bridge of my ibanez and its the best pickup ive ever owned. I imagine it would be awesome for real tight leads in the neck position!

SickBoy said:
006, does it actually have sense installing a set of pickups worth almost as the guitar itself? If the guitar sounds good enough as it is, you might as well leave it that way..

To me, yes. I bought the guitar with the original intent for it to be a live show guitar, to take some abuse, instead of my nicer guitars getting dinged and chipped, and have shit spilled on them. Just because the guitar cost so little doesn't mean it's a POS. I have a lot of nice guitars, and this one isn't nearly as bad as the price tag would have you assume. It's actually really decent. A nice quality set of pickups would make this thing rock even more.

006 said:
To me, yes. I bought the guitar with the original intent for it to be a live show guitar, to take some abuse, instead of my nicer guitars getting dinged and chipped, and have shit spilled on them.

Oh, that's a whole another story!
If it's intended for serious use (and live gigs would be something like that), then EMG's it is by all means, no matter how much the guitar costed...
I figured you bought it to have fun with it at home, for nothing serious.
You've been lucky... ;)