just curious (racial topic)

it is legalized racism. the theory is that it evens the playing field for people who are not born with the same advantages as others. sort of like steroids in pro sports, which are illegal

on the other hand there was a really cool punk band out of middletown new york called affirmative action
i think it started out as a 'helping hand' for those who, at the time, needed it.

it has since turned into a crutch, and as was stated above... 'legalized racism.'

it's time for affirmative action to end.
I am not racist at all, I have African Americans in my family. However affirmative action is a ridiculous ply in today’s society. Some believe that we owe it to the black community because of a past transgression. Slavery was instituted by our ancestors, people in the past who lived several generations ago. In my opinion the U.S made it up to the black community already, because later on during the civil war one of Lincoln’s main objectives was to get rid of slavery and he succeeded in doing so... problem solved right??? Well not according certain (notice I say certain) liberals who believe we need to sympathize with the black community even more, and that mentality has a negative effect on our society. It reduces the quality of the work force. Many businesses have to hire a certain percentage of minorities. So take the police force for example, they are required to do this. If they have hired the percentage of whites that they are allowed to, and they have two candidates left one white one black. The white one scored higher on his tests and would make a much better officer of the law. The precinct would have to hire the less qualified black man because of affirmative action. This betrays the ideals that America was founded on. By that I am referring to the fact that if you pursue a certain career and excel at it, you should be able to make it to the top. But this "action" prohibits certain individuals from doing so. That is just one of many examples. Not only is affirmative action racist, it also causes more racism. Take the man in the above scenario for example. How do you think he is going to feel about the black community after finding out why he didn't get the job? And affirmative action is racist. Basically it is saying that the black man is less skilled and can't do as good as whites. I really think that it should be gotten rid of.

Life is the most common STD
IMEZ4U2NV said:
I am not racist at all, I have African Americans in my family. However affirmative action is a ridiculous ply in today’s society. Some believe that we owe it to the black community because of a past transgression. Slavery was instituted by our ancestors, people in the past who lived several generations ago. In my opinion the U.S made it up to the black community already, because later on during the civil war one of Lincoln’s main objectives was to get rid of slavery and he succeeded in doing so... problem solved right??? Well not according certain (notice I say certain) liberals who believe we need to sympathize with the black community even more, and that mentality has a negative effect on our society. It reduces the quality of the work force. Many businesses have to hire a certain percentage of minorities. So take the police force for example, they are required to do this. If they have hired the percentage of whites that they are allowed to, and they have two candidates left one white one black. The white one scored higher on his tests and would make a much better officer of the law. The precinct would have to hire the less qualified black man because of affirmative action. This betrays the ideals that America was founded on. By that I am referring to the fact that if you pursue a certain career and excel at it, you should be able to make it to the top. But this "action" prohibits certain individuals from doing so. That is just one of many examples. Not only is affirmative action racist, it also causes more racism. Take the man in the above scenario for example. How do you think he is going to feel about the black community after finding out why he didn't get the job? And affirmative action is racist. Basically it is saying that the black man is less skilled and can't do as good as whites. I really think that it should be gotten rid of.

Life is the most common STD

please read the rules of engagement
Totally against affirmative action....It doesn't make any sense to me.

I say hire whos most qualified and whoever the boss likes the most, regardless of race. Affirmative action is institutionalized racial discrimination.
Affirmative action is crap.
I can get thousands of dollars for college only because I'm Cherokee. I'm actually only like 1/256 but the requirements are so lax you only need to be able to prove you have a Cherokee ancestor (my great, great, and so on grandmother).
I would sooner pay for it myself than get money for who my distant relatives are.
Arg_Hamster said:
I don´t like it, because as you say, it focuses more on your parents and ancestors and where you grew up instead of who you are.
affirmative action allows less qualified people to get jobs over more qualified individuals in the name of diversity. my friend tried to get a job with the railroad co. and they told him they would love to hire him but could not because he was white, and they had to hire a minority, even though my friend was the most qualified. if you are against affirmative action you get called a racist, you try to explain to them that your own relatives who came to this country were discriminated against and hated just for being german, irish, italian, or jewish... and they laugh/ignore you. because we all know that racism only works one way in society today.
[Fuck that crap. I got beat out for a job by a gay black man , Im german and white as a ghost. Ive had many years of customer service and I know I was qualified enough. That guy quit three weeks later.