Just finished my bands demo, please rate my mix

Just to give a idea of what was used

Tama Superstar Hyperdrive drums
Meinl byzance 14 inch dark hihats
Meinl 21 inch ride
Saluda 19 inch Glory Crash
Saluda 20 inch Mist x China

Kick and snare was replaced with samples

For guitar I used
Splawn quickrod
Peavey 5150 II

into my Splawn cab with smallblocks

cab was miced with a SM7b into a SCA n72, into a Art Pro VLA II

Bass was Ibanez SR400, boss odb-3, into SCA n72 and Art Pro VLA

Kinda reminds me of video game music. For my tastes, the vocals are a little too dry at the beginning. Maybe add a SMALL amount of delay, or perhaps a hint of reverb. You may also want to bring the vocals back just a bit...IMO they're overwhelming the guitars just a bit. Maybe 1-2db would do.

Tone's good though, at least on my shitty work speakers.
Thanks for the input!
Yeah I have been wondering about the vocals, it's got to the point where I have listened to it so much that I have gotten used to the way it sounds, and I need some fresh input on it. Thanks again!
So do you think that bringing up the drums, and bass would give it that punch or is this a compression issue. I know that I mixed the drums a little in the back ground, I didn't really want them to be overbearing, but at the same time I want it to punch. I you don't mind I loaded another song from the demo,

Thanks guys!
Hey thanks! Yeah I like the music alot, still working on the mix. I should have the new mix done tomorrow.
Everything i would have fixed has been said... I love the music though sounds sick... Reminds me of like horse the band meets norma jean without all the gay synths...