sorceron ken Jul 20, 2005 1,647 1 38 45 nyc Mar 29, 2009 #1 I just got done tracking vocals for a song off the upcoming Death tribute album that James Murphy is producing. For more info on this check this thread.
I just got done tracking vocals for a song off the upcoming Death tribute album that James Murphy is producing. For more info on this check this thread.
Pethical Tom Jul 30, 2005 2,454 4 38 Sydney Mar 29, 2009 #2 good stuff! looking forward
Mazah Metal Monk Jun 25, 2003 920 7 18 39 Here Apr 29, 2009 #4 Sweet dude!!! I'd give one of my balls to be on that album!
S Supernova Member Jan 15, 2005 2,397 0 36 The Disclosure May 15, 2009 #5 when is it gonna be released? Ive been hearing about that tribute like forever
sorceron ken Jul 20, 2005 1,647 1 38 45 nyc May 17, 2009 #6 i guess its done when its done. its definitely not just getting thrown together half assed ha.
N NaturonDemonto New Metal Member May 17, 2009 9 0 1 May 22, 2009 #7 What song, if you don't mind? or is it a secret!? O:
CrazyChris576 The Vigilante Jun 28, 2008 3,261 0 36 Strong Island, NY Jun 5, 2009 #9 Awesome! Death has been deserving a real tribute album for awhile now. Can't wait to hear your contribution!
Awesome! Death has been deserving a real tribute album for awhile now. Can't wait to hear your contribution!