Just found this old Devin Townsend Video


Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.

Dunno if anyone has seen this before, but some of you might be interested if you haven't.
This video is awesome and hilarious. I love how his tone is being run through his Ocean Machine period FX (tons of insane echo.) It's so completely the opposite of any guitar instructional video, absolutely brilliant. :lol:
That was hilarious :lol: Too many funny one-liners to quote, haha

The CGCGCE tuning, while it seems to make sense, doesn't really seem practical. Sure, it makes modal patterns easy to memorize and visualize, but you are only playing a sequence of octaves while skipping notes in between (unless you play 4 notes per string).

Thanks for posting. I laughed the whole way through.