Just got a Maxon OD9!!!! WHOOO


New Metal Member
Sep 28, 2006

This is my first recording with my new OD9. It's a new song for my bands' myspace. I must say I'm diggin it quite a bit. this song is DFH drums, 5150, Almighty Guitar cab w. v30's. Guitars are a ltd DV8-R and an EX-400. let me know what you think I haven't even edited the guitars and bass very much yet. let me know if theres anything I can change before we go onto vocals.

and if you want a comparison as to what my tone was before check out this thread http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/rate-my-mix-tone-threads/329183-metal-clip-5150-dfh.html#post6449522

If you like what you hear check out our myspace

The Song is fully finished it's now on the soundclick please feel free to check it out and let me know how I did!
That sounds killer!!!

Love the tone. Is that the 5150 with an od9. Or is there another amp in there also?
Damn this tone hits my taste perfectly. My tone goes into the same direction, but your sounds 1000x better ;) (sry 4 my shitty english :p)
unfortunately I wasn't able to get the upload to work lastnight, so thats why I signed up for soundclick. but I'll try again when i get off work. Thanks a lot for the comments I appreciate it. all I have to say is they make a huuuge difference. There's only a 5150 sig. in there nothin else.
Never been the biggest fan of 5150's....But damn i love that tone!

I hope i can get the peavey rockmaster to sound close to that.
Very good tune, sir. I am glad that I took the time to listen to this.
Look forward to hearing more from you.
not to be a geek, but what studio did you use to record this tune. The production is quite admirable. Is this your home studio? If so, do you have a site?
Thank you for sharing with us.
This was my home setup, with andy sneap style micing, into my mbox hooked up to a mac mini 1.25ghz G4. not much to it really cab was in my bedroom and we were in the adjacent office. thats the reason we used DFH because I just don't have a good enough setup to get even a passable drum sound. again thanks for all the comments any criticism is welcome as well. I've learned plenty from this forum by reading what people said about other people's stuff so it'd be a great help to hear some about my own.
not much processing done here, eq and compressor thats about it. I think the main thing is we did 2 takes per guitar the first take was lead channel and really beefy with some pretty high gain. The second take was the rhythm channel and was much more defined and had some higher mids so the combination worked out really well.