Just got a new acoustic...what should I play?

regarding acoustics, any suggestions from anyone here for a decent recording quality acoustic that won't tear a hole in my wallet??

or if there already a thread on this topic, could anyone point me in that direction??

That was my dilemma. I played guitars ranging from about $200 to $1500 and I settled on a Breedlove Passport D20 (or D200). Breedlove sells it as a travel guitar because the body is 7/8 size, but it has a full scale neck. When you play it you'd never know they market it as a travel guitar. I didn't know it until after I bought it. The playability and sound quality held up to the expensive guitars and blew the pants off of the cheap ones.

I'd say the Breedlove stuff is the "Schecter" of the acoustic world (even though Schecter makes acoustics). Fairly low cost for very nice quality.