Just got an email from my daughter's doctor..


May 9, 2006
My daughter was born with a congenital hip dysplasia, and despite doing everything OK, running, jumping, her left leg is already around 5~7cm shorter than the other. We've talked to our doctor, that indicated another doctor in Sao Paulo (for those that don't know, it is the biggest city on Brazil). This other doctor is the best on the whole latin american for children hip surgery. I contacted him by phone, exchanged a couple emails, and today he gave me the price quote for the surgery: around $11k! Maybe it doesnt sound like it is too much for US and Europe folks, but here it is a lot of money. We're thinking of doing some shows with friend band's but still, it is lot of money. I am still like 'WOW', and later I'll figure out what to do. i don't have much stuff to sell besides my SG and my car, so I'll see what to do. My wage barely pays my bills, so I still do know. Anyway, a father has to do what a father gotta do, so I'll find a way.

dude that sucks so bad, please keep us posted on how it's going! are there any charities you can contact that may be able to help?

from the bottom of my heart i hope this all works out for you and you can get hold of the 11k.
Really sorry to hear that man, but it's great to hear that you're doing everything you can. Everybody should act that way!
Ouch! I feel for you, and I hope you guys find a way to work things out. My daughter had to have pulsed dye laser surgery every 2-3 months from the ages of 2 through 5, and we had a heck of a time dealing with the insurance, paperwork, out of pocket fees, etc. so I can definitely sympathize. I'll keep my fingers crossed that maybe you can get some assistance to help pay for the bills, and I'll also keep my fingers crossed for a safe successful surgery for your little girl.

Definitely keep us posted!!!
That still sounds like a lot of money to me man. Best wishes to you and your family.

BTW If I can sell some of my gear sitting around I'd be happy to help you out with what little I have. Shoot me a PM if you'd like.
That still sounds like a lot of money to me man. Best wishes to you and your family.

BTW If I can sell some of my gear sitting around I'd be happy to help you out with what little I have. Shoot me a PM if you'd like.

Hey man, thanks for the offer, but don't worry THAT much. I'd hate to see anyone (including my family) having to get rid of something to help me. But it shows you've got a great heart.

Thanks for the kind words guys. I can't get a bank loan atm because I don't have any proof of my earnings. Like I said, we'll be doing some shows with friends' bands, and then I dunno. An aunt (I wrote ant previously...that would be funny, an ant helping me hehe) from belgium also offered some help, but besides that, I still have no clue. My family is broke as fuck, I don't know what to expect from my wife's family and if needed....I'll sell my car (this will be a last resort, as it rains A LOT where i live, and public transport here sucks too much to walk around with a couple of kids, so a car here is not a luxury, but a need). I have a friend that also used to make loans to random people and I'll see if his rates aren't too expensive.

Ola...I just read a few days ago on a mag that like...Sweden is almost the perfect place to live, with great health system, educational system, transport, etc.. I remember when I was a kid, I had surgery on a public hospital on Belgium, and it was like I was on a spa or something - and Belgium isn't close to Sweden on the list I read. So that must be a great place to live in.

Anyway, I should've studied to be a doctor or something. The guys does that kind of surgery on around 3 kids daily, so that's $30k/day!
Can you specify the name of the surgery? I live in São Paulo and my mother works on the health area for over 30 years and can probably suggests other great hospital and/or medics. BTW, do you mean US$11.000 or R$11.000?
Can you specify the name of the surgery? I live in São Paulo and my mother works on the health area for over 30 years and can probably suggests other great hospital and/or medics. BTW, do you mean US$11.000 or R$11.000?

11k USD, man. R$18.000 (heck, I never had this much money on my hands eheheh). Well, I don't know the exact name of the surgery, but he will rebuild her whole left hip, and use parts of nearby bones to reconstruct her femural head - the femural head builds itself with friction, and since she NEVER had any friction due to the displasy, he need to make her a proper femural head. We'll actually bring the doctor here to Belém, because another child from here who did the same surgery IN São Paulo spent R$43,000, including transportation, feeding, the hotel and the price of the hospital (doing it here, the hospital will be paid by Unimed. The R$18k is the price of the surgery alone! And since we have another daughter, we'd need to travel the four of us). This doctor, alongside another one, is considered by many the best hip surgeons on the whole latin american, and since this is a very complicate surgery we're kinda set on them. But if your mother can recommend something, it is always welcome!

Btw, pq estamos falando em inglês? :D
11k USD, man. R$18.000 (heck, I never had this much money on my hands eheheh). Well, I don't know the exact name of the surgery, but he will rebuild her whole left hip, and use parts of nearby bones to reconstruct her femural head - the femural head builds itself with friction, and since she NEVER had any friction due to the displasy, he need to make her a proper femural head. We'll actually bring the doctor here to Belém, because another child from here who did the same surgery IN São Paulo spent R$43,000, including transportation, feeding, the hotel and the price of the hospital (doing it here, the hospital will be paid by Unimed. The R$18k is the price of the surgery alone! And since we have another daughter, we'd need to travel the four of us). This doctor, alongside another one, is considered by many the best hip surgeons on the whole latin american, and since this is a very complicate surgery we're kinda set on them. But if your mother can recommend something, it is always welcome!

Btw, pq estamos falando em inglês? :D

Damn, dudes here have no idea that US$ 11K here actually feels like US$ 22K. It´s amazing how it is this price even with the health insurance paying some of the cost. Well, good luck with your fund raising concert. I´m sure that people will help you out. If things with the chosen doctor don´t work it out, let me know so I can see what I can do for you.
Sucks pretty hard!
About the price for the surgery, it could be way higher, believe me...

I broke my left elbow into 3 pieces 2 years ago, and the whole costs
for the hospital (one surgery, 7 days at the hospital) cost 16.000€
Without medication, the preinvestigations (3) and another surgery
a year later to remove the steel from my arm, so all in all it cost around
I felt soooo lucky that you don't have to pay for stuff like that here,
I only got to see the bill because I've got a second private insurance
because of my mother's job.

Stuff like this is a reason why I am totally pro for insurances all over
the world.
yeah it´s really insane that someone would have to pay for stuff like that, so it´s just like "bad luck now you have to pay 11 grand cause god laughed in your face", that´s the main reason I moved to Spain, my father was diagnosed with cancer and only staying at the hospital in Venezuela was so expensive that moving back to Spain (he was born here) was a much cheaper option since he hasn´t had to pay a single euro for all the treatment he´s had (including surgery where his whole pancreas and big parts of his digestive system were removed and partially reconstructed).

I wish you the best of luck with that man, do let us know how this develops
I always hate how some of us just weren't blessed with perfect health and have to pay money just so we can have the same standard of living as others who got lucky. It's so unfair, but such is the way of the world, unpredictable in this sense.
I don't have any physical problems as such, but health problems (in the form of mental) have plague me throughout my entire life, so I feel for her man, because I know what it feels like to wake up and know you've got problems that can impact your standard of living.
Really hope you can pull through this tough period of time you'll be facing.
An uphill battle for sure, but if you can conquer it, you're a warrior among normal men.
11K is a lot of money here as well, whether it feels like 11 or 22 doesn't matter much, its a lot and I'm sorry you're in the position you're in. I hope it works out for you and your family

you know, there's a shitload of us on here ... if we got 100 people to chip in $50 each, that bill would be almost 1/2 covered. I see people jumpin in on group buys for plugins ... this is certainly something more important and if we can get a list together, I'd be the 1st to throw in
11K is a lot of money here as well, whether it feels like 11 or 22 doesn't matter much, its a lot and I'm sorry you're in the position you're in. I hope it works out for you and your family

you know, there's a shitload of us on here ... if we got 100 people to chip in $50 each, that bill would be almost 1/2 covered. I see people jumpin in on group buys for plugins ... this is certainly something more important and if we can get a list together, I'd be the 1st to throw in
