just got back from the Children of Bodom show here in Seattle....


Oct 4, 2003
Plano, TX
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man it ripped! way better than last time they were here... the last time they were here the venue was tiny(the graceland sucks), this time the venue was huge(the showbox is one hell of a venue!) their sound was 1000 times better than last time, and everyones playing was just spot on! it was amazing! got 2 friends into Bodom tonight. didn't stay for fear faggotry or Lamb of God(i thought Fear Faggotry was headlining, not lamb of god, was planning on staying for lamb of god and leaving before fear faggotry got on, but found out lamb of god was last, and one of the guys that i took to the show had to catch a ferry before a certain time to get home, so we left before fear faggotry got on)... anyways i wasn't as close to the stage this time, i was way back in the back... last time i was 2 people from the front rail... got some killer pics last time, didn't even bother this time... great show tho! anyone who's into bodom at all should go! oh and btw Throwdown SUCKS!
I saw Bodom 5 days ago in Lawrence, KS. What a freakin' amazing show! I literally ache to see these guys again; maybe I'll be able to catch another date on the tour. Got to meet the Wild Child after the show, which definitely made my day (slash week, month, year).
Goddamn it! I fucking wanted to go.. I've been waiting a whole month or more and at the last minute, i couldn't get enough cash to go! I fucking tried to pawn my fucking stereo to go... but that didn't fucking work out!
Pictures, please...
I too went to the Seattle Show, I had a great time... The venue was very 'blah.' No where near enough stage room for Bodom, and on top of that they were kicking people out left and right for stupid little things. The venue was having a ton of power problems during Fear Factory and Lamb of God, so I heard, but I didn't stick around for those bands. Bodom's set was something like this.

Silent Night, Bodom Night
Bodom Beach Terror
Needled 24/7
Six Pounder
Everytime I Die
Hate Crew Deathroll
Hate Me

Highlights were Silent Night Bodom Night, Hate Crew Deathroll, and Downfall.

I got to hang out with the band a bit and they are all very down to earth people. They laughed at how 'cold' it gets in Seattle during the winter compared to Finland. And they also had a good laugh about how it would snow like 4 or 6 inches and everything shuts down around here (schools, some roads, etc). Henkka and Jaska both demonstrated their ability to speak spanish too! And we got a small Finnish lesson.

Kiitos Bodom! Good luck with the rest of your tour!