Just got back from the states

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Went back home to Louisiana for a couple of weeks, and black people are more ghetto, rednecks are more rednecky, and everyone is fucking addicted to their smartphone.

It's probable that it's just the south but it's still sad. There are no more southerners, just rednecks. Saw very few "normal" black people...just ghetto niggaz. I lived in a college town and that town is now a drug-infested shithole. There's nothing to do there but drugs and it's downright sad because it used to be such a nice town. Sure it's getting bigger every day and is still full of old money, but it's just heartbreaking and sad to see all the young people become white trash, lortab-taking dirtbags or complete stoners. Not that I have anything against pot, and I smoked some really good shit while I was there, but it's taken way too far. Everyone just wants to get high all the time, they're letting responsibilities go to the wayside and they're just throwing their lives away. It's hard to see people you care about ruin their lives.

Someone please tell me what the deal is with the smartphones? Why can't people just leave them at home if their going to dinner or a movie or something? Why are they checking them literally every two minutes? It got to the point where I would just stop talking to my family and friends and walk out of the room because they couldn't carry a two-minute conversation without checking their fucking phone.

Everyone there seems to be a paranoid conspiracy theorist who thinks the government is out to get them, and I was shocked at how clueless they are about reality and what's going on, as seemingly plugged-in as they are. The south has now fit the stereotype it has fought hard against for so long, and it's now indefensible.

Oh, and the airports these days in the states? What the fucking fuckety fuck? It's all a sham, a mirage to make it seem like you're safer by treating everyone like shit, being completely unprofessional, barely able to fit in the uniform and we're supposed to take you seriously? Do they just pick up random people on the street to do this job? The professionalism in Amsterdam (the dude spoke four different languages) was amazing and the utter lack of professionalism in Atlanta was appalling. I won't even mention Houston, as it's just about the worst airport in the states. Have we been reduced to this?

Sad, so sad. I enjoyed my trip but it pains me to say that after about a week I was climbing the walls ready to get back home. Stuffed myself on all the fast food I could get my hands on, though. Still detoxing :lol:.

My cousin from there has been working in Colorado for the past year or so and I told him never to come back, to stay right where he is. There's nothing left in the south for us anymore. Stay out west and enjoy that gorgeous nature.

And what's the deal with 15-year-old girls looking like 23-year-old college students? That's just scary. I have to say, however, the hottest girls for some reason are in college at LSU and Louisiana Tech. I don't know why, but you can throw a rock in any direction and hit a drop-dead gorgeous college female that should be in Playboy at least. Hot girls everywhere. It's inexplicable.
So you finally got to see the decline of the American empire first-hand, eh?
Well, I went back home and just went through various airports to get there...I seriously doubt places like Colorado, Washington, and California are the same as Louisiana. What bothered me was that my beautiful little college town of about 25k people has fallen so far. Everyone I know is literally, LITERALLY either in jail or dead. We're not talking about white trash or scummy people, either. These are people from prominent families who had great futures. Now everyone is either a meth, Lortab, or Oxy addict or is just a stoner so far gone that it's a wonder they can even walk and chew bubble gum at the same time.

I'm from the place of Duck Dynasty, that A&E show about those hilarious and crazy rednecks making duck calls and such. But at the same time, they aren't really rednecks...just country people. They aren't racist or bad people, just simple people who mean well and are a little off. I'm just disappointed because there don't seem to be any more southerners in the south, just rednecks. Ruston, West Monroe, and Monroe, Louisiana, once quaint and quiet college cities/towns have turned into shitholes full of ghetto thugs, rednecks, and drug addicts. Ruston used to be the cleanest city in all of Louisiana, and was a very nice place to live. It's a college town of a nice university and a few celebrities even have houses there. Now it seems that the city is just building new things to cover up the ugliness underneath without fixing the problem. The saddest part is that the few, rare gems of people you meet are all fighting tooth and nail to get out of there as quick as they can because it's been overtaken by drugs, rednecks, and thugs.

I used to love going home because people in the south tended to be friendly, warm-hearted people. From my last experience there, this is all but completely dead. It's not the US I'm so disappointed in, as I didn't visit other places, but rather the south after having seen it recently and it being where I'm originally from. I used to be quite proud to be from the south because I grew up around southerners, not rednecks. I am now 100% certain that the conservative right are a bunch of liars if they expect anyone to believe that they're not pandering to racist, overzealous religious fanatics...because that's about all that's left of their base, and much of their base is in the south. I must be honest, however: it's hard to live in the south and not become even a little racist. Take that how you want, but the ignorance, complete lack of personal responsibility, and just overall "shake my head-ness" there would make even the most bleeding-heart liberal at least a tiny bit racist, black or white. I don't know how people can stand to live there; after two weeks I had to escape. I don't think I'd ever move back to the south. Austin maybe, but that's like an oasis in the south. If I had to move back to the US, I'd choose Colorado (although I've heard Denver isn't really all that), Portland, or Seattle...at least from my impressions I would choose those.
Funny you should mention that. I've become a big fan of Duck Dynasty. For me, it's a sitcom. The whole thing is scripted but the family strikes me as genuine and likeable.

Shame West Monroe is turning into what you describe. I want to move to Seattle but my job options are limited. Microsoft is off the list after reading a story in Vanity Fair about how horrible it is to work there.
I love Duck Dynasty as well! It's of course scripted but I find it hilarious.

I'm originally from Ruston but West Monroe is only about a 30 minute drive from there and they're both pretty much growing into each other. It's still Louisiana, of course...it's not exactly San Francisco, but it used to be more enjoyable and a nice place to live, at least for Louisiana.
every bit of Louisiana I have been in was a complete shithole! I do agree about the damn smartphone thing. People are so glued to those things it is pathetic.

Funny, West Monroe was one of the communities I have been to. It was a sad sight. The US as a whole is not like that.

The whole airline industry in the US is a damn joke. I hate flying. I avoid it as much as I can.
I know the whole US isn't like that...I'm American and have lived all over the US. I'm just saying that La is even more of a shithole now than ever. If it weren't for LSU and New Orleans (which is a shithole as well, just with better food), there would literally be nothing there.

The funny thing is, Ruston is actually a nice LOOKING city and from first glance seems like the type of place you'd love to grow up in...and for a time it was. Quite safe, good schools, college town, plenty to do, etc. Now it's all a facade. Everything is new and shiny but it's all broken underneath.

West Monroe has always been turrible, though. I never liked Monroe, much less West Monroe. Shreveport has always been a giant shithole, now it's just a shithole with plenty of places to gamble.

The only thing left about La is the outdoors. Go hunting and fishing and that's about it.
Everything is new and shiny but it's all broken underneath.

You pretty much summed up most of the country.

The only thing left about La is the outdoors. Go hunting and fishing and that's about it.

I tell ya, when the world ends, those Cajuns on 'Swamp People' will be the only ones left. Well them and the folks living in the Alaskan outback. Ever seen that show about the Alaskan family living way in the wilds? Notice their name is Kilcher. THey are all related to that annoying blond singer Jewel with the nice boobs and snaggleteeth who kinda defined 90s female singers.
Oh yeah, you're absolutely right. I lived in Alaska for three years and if there's anyone who knows how to survive, it's Alaskans. They're as crazy as a shithouse rat and almost as smart, but they fear nothing and can survive.
So you finally got to see the decline of the American empire first-hand, eh?

He was already the self-proclaimed expert on it. Or did you miss the other pages of paragraphs about why America sucks and everyone here should just die? :zzz:

BTW, I agree about the smartphone issue. I have a friend who can't stand to be interrupted at all, but every time he speaks, it's some long-winded speech filled with absolutely nothing until he finally arrives to the point fifteen minutes later. Yet he won't hesitate to constantly check his Android every minute and constantly text people whenever someone else is trying to talk.
Holy thread necro, Batman!

BTW, there are lots of nice places in America along with lots of nice people. I don't think it sucks and everyone should die (except neocons)...it's just meh. It's got gorgeous landscapes when a mall or a Chili's isn't obstructing your view and it's probably got the best meritocracy in the world. Plus, I love muscle cars.

I think that's about it for me, though.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and Gibson guitars too!