Just got my bass

So, I learned a scale, yes a fucking whole one! But my fingers feel like I ran over them with a cheese grater. (I'm not using a pick) I having been playing around on a bass forum, and they tell me to chill and not practice too much yet, have to build up my hands, so I took a break last night. Gonna try more today though! Never give up, never surrender!
Keep it up!

It'll turn good eventually.

My mate plays bass with his fingers, and now his fingers and thumbs and hard from the dead skin buildup. But he can play to his hearts content :p

EDIT: on the guitar front, I worked out some sums today. Should have enough money to pay for the holiday by the end of March. Then from April till the Holiday I should make about £560.
About £250 will go towards spending money for holiday.
But of course, god knows how much money will go towards drinking between April and the holiday.
Then gotta start saving up for a good amp :erk:
No, I merely jest.:) But I've never really been much for rating the technical abilities of guitarists. It's all moot really. All i care about is if i like the sound they produce.

Also, it might seem easy in theory to write songs, but this is deceptive. You might be able to break a song down into parts that sound easy to write by themselves, but the real talent is putting them all together, into a "package" that totals more than the sum of its parts - a "gestalt" if you will.
You're telling me...I just got back from band practice...We've written so many awesome riffs we actually have trouble remembering them all, yet guess how many songs we've written?
Bands like Nile, Necrophagist, Dream Theater, etc are basically dumping grounds for insane amounts of talent and technical skill. But they are nothing (NOTHING, I SAY!) to the raw power of Amon Amarth. And this is because AA have realized a very crucial thing - when you do the squeadlies with the double bass and growl about vikings it sounds FUCKING AWESOME.

I'd say about 99.9% of people coudn't write a decent song to save their lives.
That's a conservative estimate...

For a novice guitarist? I dunno, that's a pretty bold statement there...
I meant on bass.
Ok I had a GREAT lesson last night. Learned a song and played with my teacher (a bassist) and a guitarist! :kickass::kickass:
It was awesome! They kept it slow at first so I could keep up, but within no time I was playing right along with them. They were changing the song to make it challenging for them, I kept going with my simple shit, till I had it down. I was all kinds of proud of me! :rock::rock: