Just Got My SM7B and could use a little help

Oct 14, 2010
Detroit, Michigan
Sooooo.... I just got My Shure SM7B microphone yesterday. Even got them to throw in a ProScreen XL with it :D . So anyways, its great, and everyone on here who suggested it over the Blue Bluebird, thank you so much. But I have a problem now. Since I finally invested in a nice microphone, most of the screaming chains I used with my old crappy Samson C01U USB Mic sound even worse than before :mad: but the mic itself does sound much more clear and crisp. For example, I plugged it in to my Presonus, tried it with an All-In-One vocal chain (iZotope Nectar) and it sounded great with the thin foam, and with the idea I saw on here about no foam and a pop filter.

But that leaves me with two things I need to figure out...

1. Screaming Vocal Chain: Ive looked around here, and what I've seen is people either talking about compression, doubling, saturation, or outboard gear. I use Reaper myself, and I'm unfortunately working in a small space with a small desk so I can't load myself with anything outboard. Plus I don't have the money to go crazy on that stuff. At least right now. I wanna keep it as ITB as I can without a crappy sound.

So with that said, if you guys have any links to really good threads or advice to share on a. which plugins to get that are free, something I could save up for or that are cheap and I probably already have that would be awesome. Also, I got an AMD Hex-Core (6) with 4GB DDR3 1600 so my machine isnt slow by no means. so b. advice on ways you guys like to set up your vocal chain, or double, or stage compression or whatever?

And last but not least
2. Do you think iZotope Nectar sucks XD?