
Feb 2, 2005
I just got my tickets for the STARLAND SHOW in NJ.


I guess I was one of the lucky first 300 people to get tickets, because it says ANTHRAXX SHOW/VIP rehearsal listeners party. THis sounds cool, though im still confused how its gonna go down......I hope they post more info about it soon.

PLUS it says the dvd is being filmed their. Man this is gonna be great.

I wish I was living back in NJ. Some friends will be going to that show.

What happened to the Birch Hill? I know they are familiar with Old Bridge, NJ cuz it was the headquarters for Megaforce Records. It's been several years for me, but Ive never seen bands play in Sayreville.
Anthrax could be filming a music video/DVD as part of the VIP rehersal.

Indians video was shot either at The Tradewinds, NJ or Beacon Theater NYC.
Thrashard925 said:
I wish I was living back in NJ. Some friends will be going to that show.

What happened to the Birch Hill? I know they are familiar with Old Bridge, NJ cuz it was the headquarters for Megaforce Records. It's been several years for me, but Ive never seen bands play in Sayreville.

Birch Hill closed down awhile ago. Starland is much nicer. The stage is open from three sides (speakers hung on the cieling). Been there a bunch of times, very cool.
Cool......good to see some other guys got their tickets already......I wouldn't doubt that this show will sellout fast.

Im guessing everyone had to purchase the tickets the same way as me.....I always hate that "will call" ticket idea though....going to a show without tickets always seems wierd.....like your gonna go to the door and their gonna say, sorry I don't see your name on the list :erk:

But like always that never happens...and I get in fine...but like I said I can't help but think that when going to a show with no tickets in my pockets.

It said something about you can only pick up the tickets EXACTLY the day of the show........right????
Ill see you there too. I bought the tickets with my parents credit card because they only took visa and mastercard (I have American Express). Do you think they will be anal about the fact that its under my moms name? We have the same last name, I just dont want to get fucked.
Thrashard925 said:
Indians video was shot either at The Tradewinds, NJ or Beacon Theater NYC.

I feel like an idiot for not remembering the name of the place since I was at the Indians video shoot but, i'm 100% positive that it wasn't either of those 2 places.
The video shoot was just that, a video shoot. No live concert was performed.
It was in a theater called _________ ? in New Jersey.
got my tix at 3pm today as well, seems many in this thread alone are attending. i wasn't going to go the VIP sound check, but if all you guys are going, i'll probably go too, and find someone to talk to at a show for once.
You should call STARLAND BALLROOM, or the number at the bottom of your ticket conformation(if you printed it when you bought the tickets)

Hopefully they can help you......my guess is they will understand that you used your moms credit card.....plus the last name is the same...Im sure it'll work out fine.....

But I'd give the venue a call.
I really hope we get some more info on the VIP backstage thing....JUNE3rd is coming up soon, and I wanna ba able to tell my boss im going to need off early(thats if we go in before everyone)

I wonder if there is going to be an opener for the JERSEY show....???~
xodusAttack said:
You should call STARLAND BALLROOM, or the number at the bottom of your ticket conformation(if you printed it when you bought the tickets)

Hopefully they can help you......my guess is they will understand that you used your moms credit card.....plus the last name is the same...Im sure it'll work out fine.....

But I'd give the venue a call.
Ditto that - Give them a call John.