OFFICIAL Sayerville STARLAND THREAD- who's going? Lets get ready!!!

Since I have Friday and Saturday off I plan to make a trip of it.. Perhaps around noon I leave from NY and head to Jay and Silent Bobs secret stash, after that I might hit up some of New Jerseys independent record stores. After that its off to the show to try some how to get into the v.i.p deal, then watch the reunion, go home, shower, get laid, drink some stout and whiskey, pass the fuck out.
I am definitely going to be there! After being bummed about not getting a ticket, I am managed myself a way in

I just got an EMAIL about the VIP thing before the gig on 6/3/05.

It says that the vip sound check starts at 3:15pm.........then once its over, everyone must vacate the area from that time, till the doors open at 7:30pm

To me this kinda sucks, because I wasn't even gonna leave NY till 3:30pm

damn........I guess im gonna miss the VIP thing, because I don't think everyone im bringing can get off work that early....

Oh well, I'll be there early enough to do some drinkin out in the parking Lot.

So whats everyone else gonna do, now that we know that the soundcheck thing starts at 3:15pm, and that the shows doors open at 7:30pm
That is SO FUCKING LAME!!!!! It sounded like this was gonna start at 6 - 6:30, who knows if I can get out of work early enough to be there at 3. I know I shouldn't complain but who wants to get there that early just to have to hang out for hours afterwards? I mean, do we even get to meet them or what? Anyone know of any further info. Alright, I'm gonna quit my bitching b/c regardless the night is going to be amazing.
Yea, it is pretty lame that the VIP soundcheck has to be so early...........and considering its on a FRIDAY, I don't think that many people are gonna show up that early.

And it would probably not be that long, so then that means you have to do nothing for hours till the doors finnaly open.......and then you'll have to stand around even longer, till anthrax actully goes on stage.

Of course it'll still be a night to remember,......its just ashame that the VIPsoundcheck has to be held so early!
Maybe that means that the people goin to the VIP thingy will go there... meet up with the band and then be thrown back out on line? If that's the case I'm goin to try to get there crazy early.
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of gum!

I bought 4 tickets 5 minutes after I knew this show was happening. Big deal, right? Not if you're from fuckin' Massachusetts 8 hours away lol. I got 4 tix, but I'm not sure if they are the VIP's. I hear alot of people won't be able to make it due to being so early. Anyone care to swap tickets so I might have a shot? I need 3. Sadly i couldn't get a 4th guy, but who the fuck cares?

Let me know what's up. Either way, us 3 will be there straight up from MA and we WILL be on the DVD.

Can't wait to see all you fuckers there
Man, I HATE will-call. My tix didn't come in today so I called up ticketmaster and now I have them as will-call replacements. I can only pick them up 90 minutes prior to the show and shit like that. I just hope I get a real ticket and not some printout. I like to have that shit as a souvenir.
Hope tailgatting isn't frowned upon by security... but I'm sure it will be.

Nah the security doesn't frown upon tailgating, but there is a two dollar parking fee.

See ya at the show!!! :hotjump: