got back from the show a little while ago. it was really good. that material is so fucking solid, and excellent. the setlist ruled. my head is hurtin' from bangin' and my ears are ringin'

the sound was actually too loud in there at times, which made it kind of hard to hear certain things. some of dan's solos were nearly inaudible because of this.
joey sounded good, but was definetly shaky on quite a few notes/parts.
scott fucking rocked out.
they ALL had a great time on stage, and it was obvious. the fucking ballroom was PACKED. anyone that went will agree..not a fucking inch to spare. a great fucking time (except that opening band..they were fucking terrible)]
i was standing to the left of the stage, if you're looking at it, by those stairs, going up to the bar, so i wasn't caught on video at all, since it wasn't moving that far over...but at the end of the show, i went to the middle to get in w/some devil horns haha.
fucking thrash metal, anthrax, yesssss