OFFICIAL Sayerville STARLAND THREAD- who's going? Lets get ready!!!

First of all hello all (sorry im a nube)Whats the real story on the 300 vip thing? Is it the first 300 numbered tix or are they special ones from the preorder? cant find any info cause I have tix#56,57,58. I just dont wanna show at 6 (or even if that is the real time )and wait around for 2 hours if i cant get in.
that's fucking beat how this is the only east coast show, which is why it's sold out because everyone from whereever the fuck is coming.

point is, does anyone have an extra ticket or something?

or maybe mike could beat up courtney and take her ticket. I NEED TO GO.
I have the VIP Tix, but still have received no email or info regarding the start time of the Soundcheck. (I know you guys said it's 3 p.m., but I'm worried about my ticket order being messed up). Any help would be appreciated.
Hey now, I might have an extra ticket, my buddy might not be able to get off work. Won't know til 12pm tomorrow. if I have one, it will be face value.

if interested email me or try AIM @ y2trey0
can't wait for looks like I will be there for the vip.........then in tailgating till anthrax hits the stage!

crimson, i may be with you on bailing on this soundcheck thing. truth is i can be there between 3 - 3:30 - but will this VIP thing even be worth it?? I mean, if it's just watching the band soundcheck big fucking deal, that's not worth sitting around for four hours with my thumb up my ass. if it's a meet and greet situation where we can get a couple photos and autographs, well, that may change my mind. so my question is - WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS VIP SOUNDCHECK PARTY ANYWAY!!?? Regardless, tomorrow night is probably going to be the best night of my year, ermmm, unless I actually get laid this year. So yeah, I'm guessing tomorrow night is probably going to be the best night of my year.
hairdu44 said:
I have the VIP Tix, but still have received no email or info regarding the start time of the Soundcheck. (I know you guys said it's 3 p.m., but I'm worried about my ticket order being messed up). Any help would be appreciated.
if you didnt get an email, then you should email Artist Arena
In My World said:
Regardless, tomorrow night is probably going to be the best night of my year, ermmm, unless I actually get laid this year.

Why did I feel pity for you when I read that? :tickled:

Anyways... yeah. Can't wait to get there and kick some ass with you guys. I'll be there around 4-4:30ish. I wanna be able to see myself on the dvd. :loco:

Its gonna rule...........Im leaving NY around 1:30pm

hopefully I don't miss any of the VIP.

Man this is gonna be one of the greatest shows ever.......I hope to get on the dvd thrashing it up!!~~~

I hope they open with Armed And Dangerous. The accoustic/clean opening would be a great way to kick off their set.

Can someone post a setlist of a recent show for those of us who are too lazy to find one?
got back from the show a little while ago. it was really good. that material is so fucking solid, and excellent. the setlist ruled. my head is hurtin' from bangin' and my ears are ringin' :)
the sound was actually too loud in there at times, which made it kind of hard to hear certain things. some of dan's solos were nearly inaudible because of this.
joey sounded good, but was definetly shaky on quite a few notes/parts.
scott fucking rocked out.
they ALL had a great time on stage, and it was obvious. the fucking ballroom was PACKED. anyone that went will agree..not a fucking inch to spare. a great fucking time (except that opening band..they were fucking terrible)]

i was standing to the left of the stage, if you're looking at it, by those stairs, going up to the bar, so i wasn't caught on video at all, since it wasn't moving that far over...but at the end of the show, i went to the middle to get in w/some devil horns haha.

fucking thrash metal, anthrax, yesssss
Yeah, I was right behind the sound board at the bar. It was completely packed. I wish they played Belly of the Beast but you can't get 'em all. The show was absolutely fuckin hardcore (with the exception of the opening band).

On the radio Scott was in an interview after the show and he said the date the DVD's coming out is September 27th. So I can't wait to see this fuckin thing.