Nov 15, 2002
San Diego
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what are yous guys/girls honest opinions? heres my take: very good effort, with good variety and changes of pace like i was hoping for. MUCH better then THMMDI, BUT, not fast enough. I'm assuming you die-hard haunted fans are somewhat disappointed...it seems they experimented a "touch too much". i like it alot, totally glad i picked it up.
While good, however, it pales in comparison to the brutality of Carnal Forges "FIREDEMON". THESE GUYS ARE THE CURRENT THRASH KINGS, at least until Dimension Zero's new one hits our faces...
okay, it's really good! i'm on the 4th listen of the cd in it's entirety... i'm on track 4 "Everlasting"right now...very cool! great cd, period! can't wait to compare/contrast it with carnal forges "the more you suffer" when that comes out! this is Haunted's best work yet!
snickers said:
great album, but i do like made me do it bit better.
i dont think they "experimented too much", its straight up thrash.
and carnal forge did a great cd with the more you suffer!!!!!!!!!, i think marc aro voice is so death metal for the haunted now, i prefer him when he's screaming!!!!!!!!!!!with hate!!!!!!!!!
hate song!!!!!!!!!!!! or why the first singer come back and made 2 voices band like linkin park but in a thrash way!!!!!!!!!!! :rock:
by the way if you love the last 2 carnal forge cds!!!!! try the 2 first ones coz they kill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also download the video of defaced a new cool band with members of soilwork and darkane just see blabbermouth for the url ok :flame:
I didnt like the new one nearly as much as Made Me do It- I dont know it is lacking something - I dont like how the vocals were mixed- nor how the album was put together- the songs dont flow like Made me do it- I was a bit disappointed
HEY ESTIGMA! the defaced are very cool! i dig 'em. have you heard CORP. 187??? they are very good. as are ETERNAL LIES, and DEW-SCENTED. lots of great thrash out there right now...
okay, i retract the "experimented..." statement. it's just that "shadow world", "DOA", and "bloodletting" are pretty slow, as far as the haunted are concerned. I like it personally...it's what makes the whole cd very listenable IMO. and i will say carnal forges tunes do start to run together somewhat, more so on please...die than on firedemon. All i know is i like OKW, WAY better than THMMDI...
just received the swedish version with the bonus track "creed" and must say it is fucking goddamn fast and brutal. one must wonder why it was not included!?