Just great :D

I prefer ancient history. WWI does not interest me beyond the gassings and trenches and barbed wire. Everyone doing it wrong, basically.
Capt. Blackadder: "Sir, would this plan involve us leaving our trenches and marching slowly towards the enemy?"
Gen. Melchett: "E-e-e-e-exactly! Although there is one slight flaw in the plan!"
Capt: Blackadder: "That everyone always gets slaughtered in the first few seconds?"
Gen. Melchett: "That's right! And command is worried that this might be depressing the men a tadge."
Or Italian, but in that case, a Vespa is also allowed, as DW will doubtless be able to attest.

Vespa sucks , i got a Gilera Runner 125cc , if you are with a car in a rush hour here in Greece better for you to just leave it there and come after 3-4 hours to get it , thats why Greece is full of scooters a yes and has the worst drivers