
anyone have any cool nightmares lately that scared the piss out of you?

last night I dreamed that I had to take a GED. my mom told me I had to get on the city bus and travel exactly 60 stops down Broad Street, and the building where the testing was to be would be right at that stop. I got off the bus and immediately was chased by cannibalistic zombies, except these zombies weren't like sluggish zombies, they were capable of great physical feats. whenever I thought I had escaped, another would show up. I would stab one or hit one and there would be no effect...I kept waking up (or thought I did) and everytime I would go back to sleep, more zombies! (or were they wiggers, out to kill me for my fine taste in music). finally my alarm went off and now I'm safe at work making 24 dollars an hour;) :p at time and a half.
I dreamts I was lost in a forest......that turned out to be pubic hair

another one was the world was ruled by giant cans of deoderant, they stole all my cds and everytime I tried to get them they'd blow me away with a gust of fresh minty air
Originally posted by retarded penguin
I dreamts I was lost in a forest......that turned out to be pubic hair
I've been in a few of those that couldhave used that deoderant:lol:
constant one. with shark the hunter involved. cyclic, every few months, basically at least twice a year I have it. it has never caught me, but it's pretty unpleasant, as I swim in some surreal way, very fast, and the water is turquise blue-green. those nightmares have started when I was 9 approx.
Tee,your nightmare,w/you swimming in the turquoise water,kind of reminds me of something in the Mothman Prophecies,if you've ever seen it.This woman has a similar dream-and she has it often-where she is swimming in an ocean,everything's dark and there are boxes all around her,and then some disembodied voice is calling out to her to wake up...very odd.
Originally posted by Black Winter Day
i had a dream that me and another friend decapitated another friend while drunk. after that, we regretted it and told my dad. he just walked in the room, saw the headless corpse, and said "you boys need to stop smoking weed...." and promptly left.\



i had a recurring nightmare where i was an unmoving object... like a wall or something... and a huge bomb-type thing, like that one in Mario, was SLOWLY coming towards me... i mean like... a foot a minute, VERY slowly... it had a fucking evil grin on its face and it was coming slowly towards me, and id wake up right before it hit... once i didnt wake up before it hit and my mom said that i was screaming in my sleep... some freaky shit :eek:
:) I enjoy nightmares. I can even sometimes turn a boring, regular dream into a nightmare. Lucid dreaming rules!
I had a ton of recurring dreams as a kid, but not so much anymore. One non-recurring dream I had that I remember clearly:

I go to the local K-mart to buy something, & they aren't open yet. There's a long line in front of the store waiting for them to open, so I take my place in line. Finally, the store opens, & about half the people in line get in, but then a SWAT team storms the store, & kills everyone inside. I was only a few people away from getting inside, & I saw everything. I was PISSED! I really needed to get my shopping done, but the SWAT team dudes said we all had to leave, that the situation was secure. I was so pissed that I was going to go to the police station & file a complaint, but figured they would just say there was nothing they could do. So I got in my car & started driving. I end up on a narrow country road with steep dropoffs on either side. I was cruising along at 55 MPH, when this HUGE blue car flies up behind me & starts tailgating & bumping me. I tried to accellerate, but the car wouldn't, & I couldn't slow down, or turn off either, & he couldn't get around me, (too wide) so when there finally was a side road, I turned off, & got out. The road ahead of me ended abruptly, & turned into a footpath, so I started walking. A little while later, as I'm enjoying nature, I see a slight hill ahead in the path, & hear an odd crunching noise. Suddenly, a small travel trailer, with nothing towing it, comes over the hill & heads straight for me. (At this point, the sound shuts off in the dream.) I run for a stand of trees next to the path, & the trailer tries to follow me, but can't get through the trees, so it smashes itself to pieces against the trees, & I am finally able to continue my walk. (still no sound.) Then, over that same hill, I see a horse coming towards me, so I run back into the safety of the trees, & the horse chases me. (sound comes back at this point) I notice that the horse has no skin, & I can see its muscles & some of its bones & organs. The horse grabs my foot in its mouth at one point starts dragging me to it, & in a demonic voice tells me he's taking me to Hell, but I escape, & the horse bashes itself to bits against the trees, much like the travel trailer had. So, I think, "Finally! I can get back to my walk!" So, I head back onto the path. I only get a few steps, when I hear something that terrifies me into waking; A little girl calling out for her lost horse.

recently my 'bad' dreams that i can actually remember are about me just about to have sex than i wake up. its really bizzare actually. we do all the good stuff leading up to it, then just when the actual intercourse is about to start i wake up. the rest of my dreams (that i can actually remember past when i first wake up) arent necicarily bad or good they're just really fucking weird. another thing that pisses me off is all the time ill wake up from a dream and say 'wow what a fucked up dream i hope i remember it so i can think about it later' and i always forget it. that pisses me off. i cant remember the last time i had a truly frigtening nightmare, i just have a lot of fucked up weird ass dreams that i end up forgetting.
Well here's a dream that freaked me out.....

I'm in a house on the second floor looking out the window. I see a plain, white farm house sitting in the middle of a green lawn across the street. There's a tree with no leaves just behind the house. Suddenly, I hear a huge explosion and I feel the house that I am in shaking. I look out the window and see the tree behind the farm house is on fire. I'm telling someone in the room with me "we have to call the fire department" but before I can get to the phone, this Charlton Heston voice said "Behold the lake of fire" I notice the green lawn has been replaced with, sure enough, a lake of fire. Complete with waves and people jumping into it and screaming. I could see their skin melting off them. Then the Charlton Heston voice said "Your lord is commng, be prepared"

Then I woke up.

I had this dream MONTHS ago, yet can still remember it clearly, every detail.