
My simple side
May 7, 2006
I'm so angry, that my hands are still shaking.Fuck!For the first time in Poland, were suppose to be Black Metal Festival. Maybe you know, that lately in Poland govern very ortodox catholik prime minister and president (they're twins!!!!)and all the rest too....for example president of Warszawa.
I'm opening the fucking newspaper today, and what can I see?There will be no festival, because they consider, that all bands which were suppose to appear on the festival, serves to the satan, they are too cruel and satanic and ble ble ble.......and there will be no Black Metal Festival.
What is going on with this country?Have you ever had such situation?
I hope they will let Hypocrisy or Pain to appear in Warszawa, when they will arrive......

Ethera said:
I'm so angry, that my hands are still shaking.Fuck!For the first time in Poland, were suppose to be Black Metal Festival. Maybe you know, that lately in Poland govern very ortodox catholik prime minister and president (they're twins!!!!)and all the rest too....for example president of Warszawa.
I'm opening the fucking newspaper today, and what can I see?There will be no festival, because they consider, that all bands which were suppose to appear on the festival, serves to the satan, they are too cruel and satanic and ble ble ble.......and there will be no Black Metal Festival.
What is going on with this country?Have you ever had such situation?
I hope they will let Hypocrisy or Pain to appear in Warszawa, when they will arrive......


i understand you really good.
in austria in the state where i live, there was last year a great two day black metal festival (called "devil days").
but this year they cancelled the shit. on the website i read that the festival was cancelled due to the people, in the near protest against this event, even they took a survey against it of course of the loudness and the bands blablabla.... and the gourvement agreed with that...
the festival is dead, there will never be another one
one of my most favourite bands would play they, but the cunts cancelled it
youre not alone dude
I don't know much about Poland and its culture and laws, but in my opinion a governement should never mix politics with religions. Laws are applicable on a national scale whereas beliefs only concern one's opinion. A governement making decisions based on religious ideologies will most likely displease a majority of its country's population.
Basically, if the members of those bands were confirmed criminals I could agree, and even approve the decision. However, if the reason of the cancellation is only because the bands' images go against the leaders' religion, then it is a decision that belongs more to a dictatorship than a democracy.
I'd like to add, that it was all about religion, only.
They just didn't want to have "demonic bands" in Poland.
Hahaa, so little they seem to know about the bands existing in their OWN country. Poland doesn´t need BM-bands visiting, you guys have quite enough on your own!! And those dump ministers and such don´t see that... Ghhh..

It´s like the same thing like with Finland, Lordi and Greece. The religious people were so afraid that the "once existing" BM-scene would come back if the SATAN WORSHIPPING Lordi would come there.
Right. And there are no BM-bands in Greece?? Nooooo way :rolleyes:
There's definitely not a band called Rotting Christ from Greece either.
It's shit.
Poland has a number of the most Blasphemous bands
and they do such a thing
it will give another impact to the agression of all polish BM-lovers
I mean the anti-god lyrics will be more sensible
cause the church is so stupid!
anyway Hypocrisy is not so satanic and evil as Vesania, for instance
what a great abuse of power. If Satanists or Atheists were in power it's not like we'd stop allowing people to have their Christian festivals and holidays just because they're fuckin retarded and built on lies. I guess we're just better people than them, have to take some consolation in that.
Supermoi said:
Basically, if the members of those bands were confirmed criminals I could agree, and even approve the decision. However, if the reason of the cancellation is only because the bands' images go against the leaders' religion, then it is a decision that belongs more to a dictatorship than a democracy.


they [the bands] should have the right to practice and express whatever religion they like just as any other citizen or tourist can, it's disgusting that they'd so blatently prove their bigotry by not allowing this to go ahead.
i can only say...what a crap gouvernment....forbidding people too see bands they like, just because the image of the band is dangerous for their own religion.... indeed thats no democracy