just saw maiden!


Proud IMG Guitarist!
Apr 16, 2001
Maryland USA
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well...my throat is raw..and i have grin from ear to ear! Tickets to this show cost me $45, and I don't regret a cent. It has been a long time since i have been to an Iron Maiden concert, and I think it did my heart and soul good.

What can I say. They were awesome. The crowd was more pumped than i would have thought. There was even a very large, conservatively dressed, black gentleman who was next to me....who sang every word note for note (even wildest dreams), air guitared the whole time..and had a blast. I never would have expected him to be a Maiden fan!

I was only dissapointed by a few things...2 of which the band had no control over.
1. The video monitors on the sides of the stage at the venue were blurry as shit...and subsequently, I never bothered to watch them...even though I had a fairly tall guy in front me of me blocking my view.
2. It was loud...and several times through the show, they started getting major feedback. Sometimes, it was so loud, it was hard to tell wtf they were doing/playing....maybe I am just getting old! :erk:
3. I wished it could have gone on longer...but this is just selfishness on my part. They played 13 songs. Let me know if you guys want to know about the setlist/stageshow. It pretty much consisted of most of their hits/singles.
4. I was not particularly impressed with the Eddie that walked out on stage. IMO, it was the worst one I have ever seen...live or on video.

All in all, i had a blast. It seems I have come full circle to the slacked-jawed 12 year old who listened to POM for the first time....and decided right then and there that Maiden was the band for me. Who would have thought that 21 years later...I would be pumping my fists in the air screaming along to many of those same songs. :grin:
Cool. I'm glad to hear it was a good show. I don't want too many spoilers because I want to be surprised when I see them. I've always thought that Eddie was a little silly looking when he comes out on stage so I guess I won't expect anything different this time.
Too loud?? Hee...Hee...I always seem to complain about concerts being too loud these days as well. :grin:
Yea..Hyde...its been awhile since I've been to a concert. It was so loud, it completely lost clarity...and it was hard to make out what was going on sonically. I mean..its cool when you can feel the ground and your chest reverberate everytime the kick drum hits..but Its not so cool when you can't enjoy what the guitar players are doing.

Dio was less than half as loud. Away from the stage, you could carry a loud-voiced conversation and hear each other. At that volume, it sounded great. You could completely tell what was being played..etc.

Maiden comes on..and it was just a wall of sound hitting you. It's tough. As a fan, its great..because at that volume, a lot more energy is generated for the fans..and you can 'feel' the music. But as a musician...I just could not help but wish it was lower for the clarity. I resorted to putting ear plugs in for half the show to help it out.

One other thing I noted was that Dave has really changed up his solos...and he seems to have made some significant speed gains in his playing. He was flying all over the fretboard on his solos!
Glad you had a good time. I can wait for the Toronto show. It's Sunday night and I'm starting to feel like a kid getting ready to go to the candy store.

Do you have any type of a set list?
I'm also really looking forward to Dio. Always been a fan.

How was the sound of Steve's bass?

Shit, I can't wait.
take care
Constantine :rock:
Steve's bass sounded great. When his roadie started playing it to test after dio while the stages were changing, I could tell it was steve's bass right away...had a nice metallic twang to it. =)

I don't want to spoil it for Hyde, so I will PM you the set list.

Just wait till after the concert! You will be smiling just like a kid again!
It's 11:21 in the morning and I'm getting up from the show last night. Either I'm getting old or the show was just that loud, but my ears are still ringing. :confused:

Don't really want to discuss the show until Mr Hyde has seen it. I can tell you I had the best time of my life last night. I must have played air bass the whole show. My right hand is killing me. :rock:

Rabies your correct. I fell like I'm a kid again. My voice is not really working this morning. My wife loves this new feature

take care
Constantine :grin:
Constantine said:
My voice is not really working this morning. My wife loves this new feature

This was the funniest thing I have read in a week. :grin: Glad you had fun Constantine. I hear the Canadian shows were great.