just saw the new Exorcist...


stoner metal chick
Nov 30, 2003
Los Angeles
Well, it's not as wicked as the first one of course,
but it is still dark. And for a movie released by
Warner Brothers, it is quite blasphemous and has
a good amount of gore. It is worth seeing in the
theater if possible, as it will be more scary on the
big screen. Well that's all I want to say for now
because I don't want to give anything away.
last night at this goth/metal club I go out to, they gave away so much free stuff from that movie... shirts, caps, cool shot glasses with "666" on them, roseries, wrist bands... you would not believe how many things I got last night...
now I wanna see the movie... (as I wanted before all that)
Dead_Lioness said:
last night at this goth/metal club I go out to, they gave away so much free stuff from that movie... shirts, caps, cool shot glasses with "666" on them, roseries, wrist bands... you would not believe how many things I got last night...
now I wanna see the movie... (as I wanted before all that)

Make your way to Connecticut. I have been looking for an excuse to see this movie. I liked the 3rd one.
on_THC_24-7 said:
Well, it's not as wicked as the first one of course,
but it is still dark. And for a movie released by
Warner Brothers, it is quite blasphemous and has
a good amount of gore. It is worth seeing in the
theater if possible, as it will be more scary on the
big screen. Well that's all I want to say for now
because I don't want to give anything away.
I wish I could have gone and seen it with ya...snif sniff sniff...i'm sick. My boss keeps sending me home early, but i'm trying my best to get everyone sick.

My chore tonight is to try to get Ray Alder sick on his birthday. No one really likes Fates Warning anymore right? Ahahahahaha.

Hey WD - I got the new cd yesterday....neiner neiner
Ray Alder is the man. If you ruin his voice I will personally shiv you. I like all Fates, but no matter what state Fates is in, Ray is still an amazing vocalist. I saw him last year at ProgPower doing a guest vocal on Nick Van Dyke's project Redemption, and it was fan-frickin-tastic. Cory Brown was really good too, but when Ray came out and did that one song, it was unbelievable(I've never seen Fates live). Tell him happy birthday and never stop singing!
my mother wants to see it badly...so i am taking her soon hehehehe

the second one i thought sucked...i hated all that Pazuzu crap!
BleedingNeonBlack said:
my mother wants to see it badly...so i am taking her soon hehehehe

the second one i thought sucked...i hated all that Pazuzu crap!

Which is amusing, as Pazazu does indeed make an appearance in this film, if you know what you are looking for.
hmm....I saw that 'open water' movie
meh....uber meh

and talk about bad timing.
some poor guy was killed on the coast over here by a great white, which was only a few days ago. And they have another shark movie coming out, too.

we just saw a few seconds of the exorcist....lots of glass and shit flying around.....and bones cracking away!