just sharing something with you guys...


Oct 30, 2008
ok, so last night i'm coming back from work around 4 AM to my apartment,
and outside my neighbor's apartment (wer'e only seperated by a wall) there's a huge amount of broken glass, rubble, broken TV, smashed up furniture and a shit load of stuff.
the window is smashed and broken, and so is the door!

so i'm trying to check if he's alright and figure out what's going on
(and i'm after 14 hours of work)
thought someone brike into he's house or something like that...

alright, so i'm calling the land lord and apperantly my neighbor got seriously hammered and went crazy! he destroyed everything and the police arrested him!


man.... what a shock! and he's such a nice guy too...
anyway, i don't have pics so it's hard to describe but it was absolute chaos!

just wanted to share this with you guys...

yeah me too! he smashed the nice porch we used to seat and drink coffee at, tough.

and sorry there are no pics ant it abviously DID happen and really isn't that funny...
I used to work with a guy that did that. Crazy alcoholic Scotsman. He went home drunk one night and just went crazy, absolutely destroyed the place. He even admitted it wasn't the first time as well. It wasn't even down to an argument as he was alone, he said he just flipped over something he couldn't even remember.

Unsurprisingly he lost his job when he turned up for work one day so drunk he could barely walk, then started threatening to wreck the place when told to leave.
I used to work with a guy that did that. Crazy alcoholic Scotsman. He went home drunk one night and just went crazy, absolutely destroyed the place. He even admitted it wasn't the first time as well. It wasn't even down to an argument as he was alone, he said he just flipped over something he couldn't even remember.

Unsurprisingly he lost his job when he turned up for work one day so drunk he could barely walk, then started threatening to wreck the place when told to leave.

:heh: that's a funny one......

but seriously that's way over the point where he should have considered wheater alcohol is the right stuff for him.
there's this sort of line where afterwards i don't think it's funny anymore