Just to let you know: We live in a homotheocracy


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
So Miss California expresses her personal opinion in response to a pointless political question that has only ONE right answer, and for that, she gets skinned alive by the raging inquisitors of the American homotheocracy!

"We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage," said Ms Prejean, in a section of the show that has become a popular clip on YouTube. "I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman," she continued. "No offence to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised."

Looks like you were raised wrong by a bunch of Hitler-worshippers, darling. Because...

The remarks drew a mixture of booing and applause from the audience.

Who the fuck was applauding!? Cmon, turn the cameras into the audience so we can publicly humiliate these homophobes and hound them into oblivion!!!

Speaking after the show, which was broadcast on Sunday evening in the US, Ms Prejean said: "I wouldn't have had it any other way. I said what I feel. I stated an opinion that was true to myself and that's all I can do."

So! This hate-filled hot bitch is proud of her hateful hatred, eh? She should have been executed on live television for her hated homophobic hatefulness.

Perez Hilton said he had been "floored" by Ms Prejean's answer, which, he said, "alienated millions of gay and lesbian Americans, their families and their supporters".

Whoa, you can't alienate them. You can trample over hundreds of millions of people who can't stand the flaming fag parades, but Gandalf forbid you dare change the mood of one sword-swallowing teabagger.

He told ABC News: "She lost it because of that question. She was definitely the front-runner before that."

As that great homosexual teacher and prophet Yoda says, "Persecuted, she was!"

Keith Lewis, who runs the Miss California competition, released a statement condemning Ms Prejean's comments.

What about Michelle Obama? Doesn't she want to release a statement?

"As co-director of the Miss California USA, I am personally saddened and hurt that Miss California believes marriage rights belong only to a man and a woman."

He is personally saddened by her beliefs? Who the fuck made him the big gay pope of the homotheocracy? I'm personally saddened by the ACTIONS of many people on a daily basis, but you don't see me blowing my nose in the papers about it. (Well, I'm blowing a big one here, but that's about it.)

Yeh. I'm just wondering at what point the rest of us will have to swear unbreakable oaths of loyalty to the all-powerful homotheocracy that is gripping our culture by the windpipe!

The fag agenda is ridiculous. Why is that doucher Perez Hilton a judge. he is a fucking JOUSTER. I can see Billy Jean King she likes beaver but a talentless HOMO male ??? This world is a fucking mess. Once again a great post Jurched.
I don`t know, but I saw it on Youtube and heard only cheering when she said it, no booing. Good to see she actually has some brains. Perez Hilton, go suck some cock.
I don`t know, but I saw it on Youtube and heard only cheering when she said it, no booing. Good to see she actually has some brains. Perez Hilton, go suck some cock.

Yeah, don't encourage it (him).

I'm convinced there is some sort of conspiracy to run these events into the ground. This Miss USA pageant was one of the last "beauty contests" where beauty was supposed to be the main factor for winning. Not talent or intelligence or accomplishments or any of that progressive crap.

I mean, things are getting so bad, the next Miss America is bound to be a 300 lb. toothless dump truck, just to show us chauvinist bigots that "beauty is within..." that is, hidden deep within layers and layers of fuckin fat!

But why the fuck are all the judges a bunch of tiki torches? Why not real men and women as judges? Because Perez and its ghoulish allies don't like an event that celebrates heteros, that's all! Its not getting all the attention at these events. Perez threatened to rip the tiara off Prejean's head if she won. Why didn't it do that ANYWAY, just to get more attention, and show everyone who the real queen of the pageant is?

The world is getting to be a pointlessly confused place.


Seriously, I thought that was one of the selling points of being a fag, you can;'t get married, aka no fucking misery in your life due to your "partner."

Secondly, the gay rights/marriage issue is like beating a dead horse. Originally it was so the partners could have health insurance. Most companies now offer it to "spouse, child, partner." So is it just some symbolic act now?

Thirdly, why the backlash at SOMEONES OPINION!?!? This is why I loathe liberals. If it is not absolutely their way, you are fucking wrong, you are scum, you should die, shame on you! Like the Prop 8 issue, and Hollywood/gays freaking out about it. Guess what!? We live in a society (for now at least) where the majority rules...fucking deal with it! I should draft up some legislation allowing the legalization of killing hookers who perform poorly, and when it doesn't pass Ill burn a path to DC that would make Sherman crap his pants.
Secondly, the gay rights/marriage issue is like beating a dead horse. Originally it was so the partners could have health insurance. Most companies now offer it to "spouse, child, partner." So is it just some symbolic act now?

Of course the issue's never been about gays actually marrying. This puny impotent state legalized gay marriage months ago and like 4 licenses have been issued.

Banquet halls were thinking they'd beat the recession by hosting back-to-back gay wedding shindigs, but the halls are empty an' the cobwebs are a'gathering!

Marriage is not important to them. Its all about the rapid, rampant homotheocracy crushing hetero cultural values and replacing them with... nothing, I guess.

Why the backlash at SOMEONES OPINION!?!?

Because they're possessed by the angry spirits of the black shirts!

This is why I loathe liberals. If it is not absolutely their way, you are fucking wrong, you are scum, you should die, shame on you! Like the Prop 8 issue, and Hollywood/gays freaking out about it. Guess what!? We live in a society (for now at least) where the majority rules...fucking deal with it! I should draft up some legislation allowing the legalization of killing hookers who perform poorly, and when it doesn't pass Ill burn a path to DC that would make Sherman crap his pants.

heh heh heh! You'd raise the unemployment rate in Washington by 50%!

Anyway, Here's a story about theraputic cures for faggitry:

Plans to promote medical treatment for homosexuality at a religious conference have been criticised by doctors.

The event will hear from prominent American psychologist Dr Joseph Nicolosi who said he had helped many people to become heterosexual.

But the Royal College of Psychiatrists said there was no supporting evidence and such treatment could be damaging.

Damaging? The reason they start swallowing cock is becasue of damage. It usually their father's fault. Homely girls who have abusive or neglectful fathers become rugmunchers. Broken homes where the father's left and the boys get the shit spoiled out of them by their lonely mothers tend to go flaming.

A nerdy friend of mine turned gay a while after his girlfriend, who he was desperately in love with, left him and married a Japanese! Shit, fuck! If that happened to me, I might turn gay too!

i have the same question: why was a homo judging a female beauty contest? most flaming gay males, like Perez Hilton, are very anti-female, anyway [jealousy over what those women have naturally that the flamers dont have... Vag envy].

i'm thrilled that Miss NC won, but if this thing really was a beauty contest, Miss California should have got it. Miss NC is pretty but Miss California is stunning. she looks like a doll. she's also not a wuss and was willing to speak her mind. that was very cool of her.
The irony here is only gay men watch beauty pageants....Jurched

Gay guys judge beauty contests because they are the ones who designed the tiny dresses that only the anorexics in the pageants can wear.
The entire thing is fucking dumb, Perez Hilton asks some very loaded question in hopes to get that kind of answer.

Don't get me wrong, I think that in the land of the free and the home of the brave that two men should be allowed to get married in a court house or any church that is willing to perform the service. If you can go to the front lines of battle, you should be able to have the freedom to marry whatever you want.

All that said, this crap is just crap. The fags go on about how you don't have the right to say that. Then the people who don't support it say that they should have the right to not aproove of it, which they do. Unless this type of comment is brought up in the context of passing a law it doesn't matter. She's a chick who thinks of marriage in a more traditional sense, whatever. She's entilted to her opinion and it shouldn't be an issue until she's burning crosses in yards or trying to get laws passed to meet her agenda.

Fuck, people are strange.
The irony here is only gay men watch beauty pageants....Jurched

Gay guys judge beauty contests because they are the ones who designed the tiny dresses that only the anorexics in the pageants can wear.

Very true. I watched an episode of Runaway-whatever where they design clothes on time and amused myself with spilling juice on my shirt and counting the number of straight guys appearing... guess 1 or 2 (and maybe one of the drivers is straight too).

I belive in the conspiracy that a straight guy has to act gay to get work in the fashion business.

Back to the issue on beauty contests. Most of you know I´m a pretty liberal, mellow guy who tend to think too much about... stuff. If people want to judge how other people look - cool. People compete in pie-eating and inbreeding dogs and cats so I don´t get the bitching that it´s degrading for women. Who forced them to enter the contest? Mom and dad? Well, if you don´t like it tell mom and dad to go fuck themselves. I think that would be doing them a favour.

I have one problem though... why the fuck are there questions at a beauty contest? Tell the women to undress, line up the fuckers on a stage. Stare at them from hair to toes. Ask them to spread the pussy-lips and turn around to check for eventual ass-hair and amount of celulites. Make up your fucking mind, vote and send her to the finale were she will flaunt her cunt along with yellow, white, black and red women all over the world. Not a single fucking word should be uttered!

These rules should of course apply for males, pets, cars, shrimps, aliens and Perez Hilton.
Jurched, with no intention to offend you, you are not gay, why are you supose to care about these guys?

Let them get married , i think they shouldn't be able to adopt children.

As for the beauty contest , i prefer chicks with huge butt and huge breast. The media is always trying to tell how the people should look and what you should find cool in a chick, just ignorant people accept these values.
Jurched, with no intention to offend you, you are not gay, why are you supose to care about these guys?

Let them get married , i think they shouldn't be able to adopt children.

As for the beauty contest , i prefer chicks with huge butt and huge breast. The media is always trying to tell how the people should look and what you should find cool in a chick, just ignorant people accept these values.

I also, dont give two shits if gays get married. Go for it! I mean, if you really want to make sure you hate life, get married!

I can see the domestic abuse calls, slap fests between two limp wristers.

Oh back to the freedom of opinion.

Next year I hope Miss California is a militant islamist or nazi so Perez and the PC-patrol become even more offended when she opens her mouth!
Well, Arg... from the European point of view, I unfortunately think if she were an islamist she wouldn't have experienced such a shitstorm...
Jurched, with no intention to offend you, you are not gay, why are you supose to care about these guys?

Let them get married , i think they shouldn't be able to adopt children.

You HAVE offended me! Very SEVERELY!

Let's get to the point, if you bend over and accept defeat in the culture war and they can get married, why not adopt children? Why not teach 4 year olds safe sodomy instead of two plus fuckin two?

I swear, I've been on the wrong side of this issue since November. What, a Long-legged mack-daddy homosexual islamic emissary of the devil becomes president, and therefore sodomy is a family favourite? I never realised the power a national erection, I mean, election, has.

Shit! All I wanna do is just gather up Perez Hilton and his buddies, and burn em or submerge em in a bog. Is that so wrong?

Well, Arg... from the European point of view, I unfortunately think if she were an islamist she wouldn't have experienced such a shitstorm...

Hehehe. She´ll stare at Perez Hilton and go "Allah will make you faggets suffer... SILENCE. I KILL YOU!"

And then some random PC person can say mow much he or she respects all religions but this is supposed to be a pleasant... yadadada. *Bomb goes of and CNN can report live and make more money*