Just upgraded monitors. Questions.

Charlie E.

Jan 2, 2002
Miami, FL
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I've been using Event Project Studio 5's for a while now and was finally able to upgrade to some nice Genelec 8040A's.
Needless to say it's a significant upgrade. I was aware of my old speakers shortcomings and generally used headphones to mix and switched to speakers when I needed a break from the headphones or to hear a different perspective of my mixes. (hi mid heavy)
So now I have two questions.

I've been missing so much bass from my old speakers and obviously other frequences in general. And now that I'm listening to music through the Genelec's I'm hearing so much more stuff but it's almost overwhelming in a way. It's like my ears aren't used to hearing those frequencies and are resisting.
Is it normal for my ears to kinda flip out and have an almost uncomfortable/fatiguelike feeling in the beginning?

My other question is. Are my Project 5's now basically obsolete? Or would they make good lo fi style reference monitors?
You will have to become accustomed to the new speakers, fo sho. But you will eventually, I'd say give it a week or two... I would keep the 5's around just to have another monitoring reference, even shitty speakers make good 2nd opinions sometimes :lol: