Just wanted to comkment on the new round of drama ....

Ughhhh ..... all I can say. I don't even know why I bother with this shit hole any more.

Nothing more then a bunch of people who think they are better then everyone else.

Just fuck you all, cept Will and Steve-o, you're both still douche bags though

Just for this I should just contently troll this shit hole you people call a forum.

Can't wait for you all to come to Vegas so I can piss in your cheerios.

but by saying that you're basically implying that you're better than everyone else here... :err: nice generalization though.
Thank Odin I don't take zanax anymore, I can't imagine how many times I've done something similar to this and made an ass out of myself.

At least I wasn't sober when I did it, though. :lol:
I see what he's saying, although I think it's more of an internet factor than an American tour factor. People don't talk face to face anymore, they just talk over the internet, so that has become our medium for conversation. Just as rumors have always gotten started, now they're starting the same way but only over a different medium, only now rumors can be spread all over the world in less than the time it took to spread through an American high school.

To be honest, Americans love drama...there's no doubt about that. We love seeing other people fuck themselves or someone else up in any way, shape or form...possibly because our lives suck and misery loves company or perhaps simply because we're sadists. All the reality tv and gossip sites, magazines, etc. have a very strong grip on the American public. We're drawn to it, I guess.

Although I think guru is going a bit overboard here, he definitely has a point. The rest of the world typically minds their own fucking business while the US always has to have a nose in everyone else's. It's simply an aspect of our society. We're curious, bored, and like to talk shit. Go to any bar anywhere in the US and you'll see it's full of the very same people. Germans are anal, Italians are pussies, Canadians are nice, and Americans are assholes. It's who we are. Getting bent out of shape about it just makes us bigger assholes.

The blogger whose entire review for their concert being basically speculation that Nevermore is about to break up proves my point. Once again, the music takes a back seat and the drama is in the driver's seat.
Well first off they aren't rumors they're observations from experience.

From which people make assumptions that may or may not be true. Sounds like rumors to me!

I got what Guru was saying as well. Of course, he doesn't use the best tone or choice of words, but isn't it sorta true? DW covered it pretty well I thought.
And as for you, ya fucking cunt faced moose knuckle. How many times are you going to sit there and imply that Wally was drunk on stage? Fuck you! I could give a piss if he came here himself and stated what the issues were. What matters is that dick heads like you who have no fucking clue what touring / being in a band is all about make retarded fucking comments like "ya he was on something" and then these little comments and bullshit stories get out on the internet, people start talking and next thing you know it ends up on Blabbermouth, Metal Sludge or some other bullshit rumors site.

So one again I say FUCK YOU

can you read buddy? I didn't say again that he was drunk on stage or anything, I said that Warrel came on the forum and explained that he wasnt feeling well because of diabetes and when you're putting in 100% every night sometimes shit happens. All I said was that it appeared that something could be wrong, explained to me by the forum and Warrel I learned that when you're feeling like that you can appear to be drunk or on drugs or whatever. So if anything, by me coming on the forum and saying that, I was able to learn that I was wrong and if anyone else were to come on the forum and see the conversation then they could also be informed.
can you read buddy? I didn't say again that he was drunk on stage or anything, I said that Warrel came on the forum and explained that he wasnt feeling well because of diabetes and when you're putting in 100% every night sometimes shit happens. All I said was that it appeared that something could be wrong, explained to me by the forum and Warrel I learned that when you're feeling like that you can appear to be drunk or on drugs or whatever. So if anything, by me coming on the forum and saying that, I was able to learn that I was wrong and if anyone else were to come on the forum and see the conversation then they could also be informed.

Just let him rage, it's more fun that way.
And as for you, ya fucking cunt faced moose knuckle. How many times are you going to sit there and imply that Wally was drunk on stage? Fuck you! I could give a piss if he came here himself and stated what the issues were. What matters is that dick heads like you who have no fucking clue what touring / being in a band is all about make retarded fucking comments like "ya he was on something" and then these little comments and bullshit stories get out on the internet, people start talking and next thing you know it ends up on Blabbermouth, Metal Sludge or some other bullshit rumors site.

So one again I say FUCK YOU
I think we can start by NOT referring to Warrel as "Wally". Then, we will skip to the next lily-pad.

First ... Ill refer to him any way I please.

and if you don't like .... too bad so sad

No one said you had to come in here and read, and no one said you had to come in here and comment. I am really getting sick and fucking tired of all of you assholes who call yourself fans yet all you do is talk shit about everyone but yourself. By my estimation there have been over 1000 thread on this forum with some new kid / fan coming in and asking questions and all you people do is dog them about it .... ya ya ya I "get it" its what you do ... yay hurray, Im'z Coolz Cuz I'z Get'z Loffs Outta' N00bs .....

Yall need to take your fucking holier then though "tr00 nebarmore 4eva" attitudes and throw it out the fucking window.

Or you can suck a dick, you're choice.

(waits patiently for Kevin, Neal, and all the other pieces of shit around here to defend Karens honor)

First ... Ill refer to him any way I please.

and if you don't like .... too bad so sad

No one said you had to come in here and read, and no one said you had to come in here and comment. I am really getting sick and fucking tired of all of you assholes who call yourself fans yet all you do is talk shit about everyone but yourself. By my estimation there have been over 1000 thread on this forum with some new kid / fan coming in and asking questions and all you people do is dog them about it .... ya ya ya I "get it" its what you do ... yay hurray, Im'z Coolz Cuz I'z Get'z Loffs Outta' N00bs .....

Yall need to take your fucking holier then though "tr00 nebarmore 4eva" attitudes and throw it out the fucking window.

Or you can suck a dick, you're choice.

(waits patiently for Kevin, Neal, and all the other pieces of shit around here to defend Karens honor)


I'm not going to defend Karen, she can do that herself. But I will call you a fucking idiot, and you have proven that on many levels, at many, many, different times. I just find it quite unfortunate that you haven't found a dick big enough to choke on yet.
Sucks for you then doesn't it, having to deal with it huh?

No one asked you to come around here either, but of course your day wouldn't be complete without a daily dose of "n00b bashing" amirite?

Such sorry individuals round these parts nowadays ..... :sigh:
Take it down a notch, take a few deep breaths, have some green tea and a wank, and have another try at communicating with other people.
hey guru.. nobody asked YOU to come around here either, so stfu and stop making a jackass out of yourself.

Do you not understand that this thread you created is exactly the epitome of what you're complaining about?