Just wanted to comkment on the new round of drama ....

Which is my entire point.

My shtick is being the forum troll, I live up to my role.

Everyone knows it, everyone laughs at it. That's the point.

If any of you take this slander serious I think you need to go smoke some 420. Ask Brooks for some hes got plenty to go around
Easy there gooorooooo, how do you know I'm not just trolling you right back?

If your only intentions here are to call out the rumor starters and try to put a quash on it (which for the record, I honestly do believe was your original intent), why would you start a new thread bringing it all up? That's totally backwards logic and insanely counter-productive to the goal you're trying to achieve. Also, it's really fucking obvious at this point that everyone on this forum KNOWS THEY ARE RUMORS. Nobody here believed any of this if they didn't see it themselves. Why do you feel so inclined to bring more attention to something you want to go away so badly?

Your thread turns against you and then you get defensive. When that makes you look even more stupid you claim you were "just trolling". Whatever man. I don't believe THAT for a second.

Now go ahead and make up some generic insults for me, call me a fascist pig (wtf?), and generally avoid the fact that you're fucking brain dead like you do every other time you open that big shitty mouth of yours, and jump back on your "I was just trollin" defense and fire off your next mouth-breathing post.

Gimme more fat bitches that swallow and I'll be a fat happy man
Does this mean you admit to producing fat bitch porn? I'm inclined to believe that one. You got REAL defensive when that lil post came up :lol:

Oh wait you was just trollin, that's right!
And I just realized I don't think his outburst was in regards to that. Reading back through, he didn't even acknowledge that comment.

Hahah this guy. I'm glad I'm not Guru. I'd rather be the loner, loser jackass virgin that I really am than..... that.
If you were a chick I'd say you're PMSing... wtf just happened? seriously?
So you come and post something on a public forum, I point out something about your choice of nicknames you choose to give to the singer, (not saying anything about your "rumor/ drama" etc)
and I get slammed? Thanks Guru. Thank s also for the "underline" personal attack on me, although I never did anything as such to you.

Welcome to the most non-exclusive club on the internetz, Guru: the "bitching about something online" club, please have a sit and prepare for replies.

You know, there's this old say: "a camel never sees his own hump"
wtf just happened?

Ok guru just take a breath a second. I know you're mainly doing this out of boredom and that you are sick of all the innuendo that's floating around about NM. We get it and hey, we're sick of it too. I also noticed that your first post didn't single anyone out here, nor did it even refer to the board at all. You just stated you were sick of all the rumors floating around on the internet. That's cool and I completely agree with you. However, somewhere along the way you starting pointing the finger at people here for it and I don't think you're helping your case by doing that. Maybe it's just your in-your-face style of posting but relax, man.

I come here to blow off steam too and sometimes it can be fun to be the motorboat in the cesspool, but it's gotta have direction and right now you're just pointing the finger at everyone which makes you sound like you're about to punch your monitor.

My name's Dennis and I ain't in'nis but just trying to see what's really bothering you. Relax man, it's all good.

for some reason, i get you two mixed up. Well not really mixed up, I just mistake Dead Winter for Lioness.... :D
...also, this is so "high school"-like for anyone to complain about some regulars here being elitist... are you kidding?
This is just a bloody forum on the web, not LIFE. Much like other places, it has its own humor and own clique. We all get shit for something here, and we all fire back.
It's all fun and games man, don't take us too seriously... I know that I don't. This is just entertainment... no need to lose any sleep over it.
In real life I'd be sitting with you drinking Yellow Tail and cheersing your glass, you know?

By golly :lol:
ct_thrash said:
I got what Guru was saying as well.
So do i. Well, the initial post that is. There is a lot of bullshit circulating and it makes me feel for the band. Ugh. However the rest of this thread is just...wtf...I mean really, guru? Just calm down, man.
Kev bringin the LUL'z once again.....

As for the fat chick porn thing. Fuck yea dude .. where the hell have you been. Christ people I never even talk to know I produce fat bitch porn ... get with the program.

...also, this is so "high school"-like for anyone to complain about some regulars here being elitist... are you kidding?
This is just a bloody forum on the web, not LIFE. Much like other places, it has its own humor and own clique. We all get shit for something here, and we all fire back.
It's all fun and games man, don't take us too seriously... I know that I don't. This is just entertainment... no need to lose any sleep over it.
In real life I'd be sitting with you drinking Yellow Tail and cheersing your glass, you know?

By golly :lol:

You dont drink Yellow Tail ;)

Its shit remember ;)
Really, this threads gotten to three pages long.
Here is an Idea guys. Don't fucking worry about what Nevermore does until Nevermore does it.
Why doesn't everyone just stroll on over to the Meat and titties thread and take in the glory that is.
Meat and Titties.
The amount of fat and cellulite in this thread made me vomit fucking everywhere.
You do not troll "harder" or "better" than Eric, and you aren't half as funny. All you do is throw grown man bitch fits.

Get the fuck over it? Get the fuck over yourself, internet tough guy. You're not the only one who gets in fights and is tougher than some of these over privileged rich kids on this board. The only difference is you think being older came with intelligence, obviously for you it didn't because you have the maturity and mental state of mind of a fucking 12 year old.

What kind of Guru throws a whining fit then tries to cover it up by posting pictures that have nothing to do with anything?