Just wanted to comkment on the new round of drama ....

This is now the fat girl thread.

Guys, take a moment, look closely at this:


OK, feeling better?


Guru, I used to respect you for speaking your mind even when everyone was against you (not many people here have the guts to go against the cliques of this board), even if your tone and choice of words were often lamentable, but right now, you're just making an ass of yourself. You should have expected the whole merry NM clique to get on your case when you made that post, and now you're being butthurt? Hate to say it, but you invited it, man, so deal with it in a mature way.

Rest of the board, why didn't you guys put in the small effort of trying to figure out what the guy actually meant with his retarded-looking post? I'm not saying he's right or anything, but I'm sure his intentions were good, even if he types like a caveman. You could have just as soon told him to stop creating more drama, like you did in the beginning. Then again, if you're just aggravating him for the fun of it, carry on. I never object to some good fun.
Mmmno, it was asked out of actual curiosity. This is a forum where people share thoughts and elaborate on statements, isn't it?
No one is after you, dear fellow. *shrugs and drops it*
Mmmno, it was asked out of actual curiosity. This is a forum where people share thoughts and elaborate on statements, isn't it?
It is. It's also a place where people are ganged up on for saying things that go against the established opinions of the majority, and I'm not interested in more of that. You can always ask me through more private means if you'd really like to know my view on things. Incidentally, I don't think anyone is "after me", but I do know this boad loves going nuts over controversial statements, and I'm just saying that I'm not going to add more oil to this particular fire.