Just wanted to comkment on the new round of drama ....

hey guru.. nobody asked YOU to come around here either, so stfu and stop making a jackass out of yourself.


BTW ... nice edit ;)
Sucks for you then doesn't it, having to deal with it huh?

No one asked you to come around here either, but of course your day wouldn't be complete without a daily dose of "n00b bashing" amirite?

Such sorry individuals round these parts nowadays ..... :sigh:

I don't have to deal with anything, I read, laugh with most people here and their comments, then I just simply laugh AT you and yours. Go through the forum here and look for any "noob bashing" you might find, and I guarantee, you will never see me taking part of any of it. So you can't lump me in with that. Furthermore, look at all of the noob bashing, as you so eloquently put it, and see where MOST, if not all, of it is directed at people who come here and ask stupid questions that had already been answered previously and they just bothered not to use the search function. The reason you don't mesh very well with anyone here, with the exception of Will and a very select choice others, is because you are so desperate to try and make an individual out of yourself (rather than let it come naturally) that you (as well as Resonator) come off as ridiculously self righteous and better than everyone else, regardless of your intention. So, you can come in here and cry and bitch and complain, like usual, or you can shut the fuck up and try to fit in with everyone else. It is QUITE possible to fit in here and still be an individual. Karen, Max, Jace, Will, Cara, Kevin, Captain Beard (sorry man, can't remember your name off of the top of my head), and hell, as much as he has been given a hard time around here, John, among many others, are all individuals. Take me for instance. I have been posting on UM for 8 years, and it took a while for me to feel like I somewhat belonged on this board, but I do, and I did it without being a fucking idiot every time I opened my mouth. You should try doing the same instead of coming in like you own the place.
I don't have to deal with anything, I read, laugh with most people here and their comments, then I just simply laugh AT you and yours. Go through the forum here and look for any "noob bashing" you might find, and I guarantee, you will never see me taking part of any of it. So you can't lump me in with that. Furthermore, look at all of the noob bashing, as you so eloquently put it, and see where MOST, if not all, of it is directed at people who come here and ask stupid questions that had already been answered previously and they just bothered not to use the search function. The reason you don't mesh very well with anyone here, with the exception of Will and a very select choice others, is because you are so desperate to try and make an individual out of yourself (rather than let it come naturally) that you (as well as Resonator) come off as ridiculously self righteous and better than everyone else, regardless of your intention. So, you can come in here and cry and bitch and complain, like usual, or you can shut the fuck up and try to fit in with everyone else. It is QUITE possible to fit in here and still be an individual. Karen, Max, Jace, Will, Cara, Kevin, Captain Beard (sorry man, can't remember your name off of the top of my head), and hell, as much as he has been given a hard time around here, John, among many others, are all individuals. Take me for instance. I have been posting on UM for 8 years, and it took a while for me to feel like I somewhat belonged on this board, but I do, and I did it without being a fucking idiot every time I opened my mouth. You should try doing the same instead of coming in like you own the place.

I LOL'ed hard at this ...lol

Oh woe is me I dont "fit in" .....LOLZ

Oh and I try so hard at doing it too cause I care what the 5 people on some internet forum think of me as a person ...LOLZ

Dude ... just stop wasting your key strokes. Save em for your cock :)
I'm not trying to counter-troll, but if you detest this community so much and scoff at the idea of anyone here liking you, why do you keep coming here?
Jeez man, you are VERY butthurt. With your high cholesterol you might wanna take it easy there. On a little side note, I am slightly disappointed you didn't respond to this :(

What are you even trying to convey with this thread? You are terribly incoherent, and you are just barely a functional person. Were there any rumor threads before this one?

You should get back to what you know best, and direct some fat BBW porn in Nevada.
Ok guru just take a breath a second. I know you're mainly doing this out of boredom and that you are sick of all the innuendo that's floating around about NM. We get it and hey, we're sick of it too. I also noticed that your first post didn't single anyone out here, nor did it even refer to the board at all. You just stated you were sick of all the rumors floating around on the internet. That's cool and I completely agree with you. However, somewhere along the way you starting pointing the finger at people here for it and I don't think you're helping your case by doing that. Maybe it's just your in-your-face style of posting but relax, man.

I come here to blow off steam too and sometimes it can be fun to be the motorboat in the cesspool, but it's gotta have direction and right now you're just pointing the finger at everyone which makes you sound like you're about to punch your monitor.

My name's Dennis and I ain't in'nis but just trying to see what's really bothering you. Relax man, it's all good.
Nothing actually,

Just Trolololing for the fuck of it. All I heard at the Tesseract show I went to Saturday is how Wally is back on the wagon, Jim and Wally hate each other, and how Jeff is leaving the band for Ozzy .....

This is what happens every time I go to any show and wear my WD T-shirt or my DHIADW shirt. I swear to god americans are fucked up.

Honestly I came here to just scream it from the mountain tops, and give a big fuck you to all the morons talking shit, and right on cue Kevin, Karen and then rest of the fascist pigs got to jump on the GTFO Wagon.

Its interesting to see the dynamic here. Normal guys who like the band and post for fun vs the uber elitist cunts who do nothing but think about food and how they are so special cause they eat well, think they drink well, and stay fit......

I say fuck it. Gimme more fat bitches that swallow and I'll be a fat happy man, drinking his cheap wine, and happy that I don't have a giant broomstick up my ass trying to be PC and Political.

You know ... You have to do things a certain way to be a Nevermore fan. At least that's the rumors I hear around these parts .... ;)

I say fuck it we all start punching each other in the throat and kicking each others asses cause the set lists aren't what we want them to be. At least it would be something the band is used to amirite ;)
Nothing actually,

Just Trolololing for the fuck of it. All I heard at the Tesseract show I went to Saturday is how Wally is back on the wagon, Jim and Wally hate each other, and how Jeff is leaving the band for Ozzy .....

This is what happens every time I go to any show and wear my WD T-shirt or my DHIADW shirt. I swear to god americans are fucked up.

Honestly I came here to just scream it from the mountain tops, and give a big fuck you to all the morons talking shit, and right on cue Kevin, Karen and then rest of the fascist pigs got to jump on the GTFO Wagon.

Its interesting to see the dynamic here. Normal guys who like the band and post for fun vs the uber elitist cunts who do nothing but think about food and how they are so special cause they eat well, think they drink well, and stay fit......

I say fuck it. Gimme more fat bitches that swallow and I'll be a fat happy man, drinking his cheap wine, and happy that I don't have a giant broomstick up my ass trying to be PC and Political.

You know ... You have to do things a certain way to be a Nevermore fan. At least that's the rumors I hear around these parts .... ;)

I say fuck it we all start punching each other in the throat and kicking each others asses cause the set lists aren't what we want them to be. At least it would be something the band is used to amirite ;)

Aside from all the pointed words and singling out, you really do have a good point dude.

However, I think the pseudo-elitism this forum is known for is more of an internet DEW LINE system for early detection and engagement of stupid people who ask shit like when the DVD will be out.

But I can't say you're wrong, guru. We really do act like cunts here sometimes, but I think that's more of a shtick than anything else.