Just wanted to thank Steve...


Children of the Dream
May 13, 2007
I was listening to Master of Illusion at work this morning and realized this album's grown a lot on me. At first I was pleasantly surprised, but the album didn't really click for a long time. Today I was enjoying every track, it's just a great album. It made me realize how much of an influence PQ is on my own musical world! Your playing style on the keys is one of my favorites, and I love most of the lead synths you use on the album. And that's not even getting into the other three albums...

Just wanted to show my appreciation for all the amazing music and the huge influence you and the other guys have been! I'm sure I'm not the only one, but Power Quest has had a big impact on me, personally. Thank you!
Neverworld has the most influence for me and my gf, but it's hard because the whole bands discography has a wide range of effects on us. Not to budge in on your thanksgiving dude but...yeah, thanks Steve and all members past and present.
Our pleasure dude! I'm just chuffed that we have made such an impact on you guys.

I know we have been going through a bit of an upheaval recently...but it's so hard to keep the business side of things going these days without major backing financially.

Rest assured....phase II of PQ will be with you very soon....and I'm sure you are going to approve!
No worries! I have faith in the band and can't wait to see what comes next.