Kalisia - Cybion (OMFG!)

Yeah it's unlikely you'll find the album but you can buy a download for pretty cheap if you want to show support. Hopefully there is another pressing at some point.

Actually, it looks like it might still be available at some stores in France still.

Found this:

And no, I can't read french, didn't bother to babelfish it, but it looks like it'd cost you over $30 and that's not including shipping.
After their show at the Hellfest I interviewed them, if some of you guys are interessed on it : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xdz0zy_inwe-b-zine-interview-de-kalisia_music
(subtitles are available in English, the interview was made in French).

But to anwser to your question, a follow-up is not launched for what I know, the band is looking for live shows but no one wants them (In France it's unbelievable, no label want to sign them and find a show for the band is really hard... *cry*)