Kalmah live pictures

I have loads of pictures from Kalmah gigs, since I've had a priviledge to see so many of them. Although it's not very vice for me to post my pics into forum. It would make this thing soooo heavy to use. Neither I have plans to put them into these free webalbums.

And actually, most of them has been in Kalmahs pages. So you actually may have seen them already :) Not my Tuska-ones, but the others.
Charmiss said:
I have loads of pictures from Kalmah gigs, since I've had a priviledge to see so many of them. Although it's not very vice for me to post my pics into forum. It would make this thing soooo heavy to use. Neither I have plans to put them into these free webalbums.

And actually, most of them has been in Kalmahs pages. So you actually may have seen them already :) Not my Tuska-ones, but the others.

Can i just say that you are extremely lucky to have seen Kalmah live, even once. Us damn yankees have not had the priveledge.
I know that I am. :)

And I can't stop thinking about it during every gig I see.

Once you've seen them live nothing feels the same. Every gig gets better and better. And it's hard to find a band which beats them on stage.
Almost impossible.

Actually I fell in love with Kalmah during a show in 2004 (20th of August actual date). I had never heard a note from them but it was the sound and the appearence that struck me like a lightning. I was taking pictures and realized that THIS IS IT!
After the festival I went to buy their cd. And loved every moment ever since.
Corialote said:
theres only one picture!!

agrrhh :cry:

i want moooooooore

one?! =|
dude are you blind or something? there's like 10 pictures there (don't remember the exact number) Pekka, Antti and Timo!!
check again!
there was only one pic called "kalmah" and i didnt search through all those kuva_sth :Smug:
u were right.. there are more of them...


if you gave me the exact numbers i would be sure i didnt miss any of the worth-seeing pictures ;)

and btw im a girl not a man or a dude :p

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