To the BAND!! Kalmah in Sweden?


New Metal Member
Aug 3, 2006
Yes, the name's Jokinen and I have all finnish genes, but please just answer in english :goggly:

When I first heard your was like love on first sound!
I wanna know if you're ever going to visit Sweden and WHY can't I find your CD's in our main CD-onlinestores (which is CDON.COM and GINZA.SE)?!

They are usually very good at covering the worlds musical wonders...but this time they've let me down! I can't find Kalmah anywhere?!
Is JT-music the only provider of your music?
(I usually dont turn to out-of-sweden-stores if it's not the only choice I have..)
I find that kind of odd...i mean....we are all from scandinavia here...the stores that I've mentioned sells other finnish bands like CoB and Impaled why is it that they don't supply us with Kalmah?

So if anyone knows of a internetstore that's located in Sweden and offers the Kalmah CD's...answer my call!!

I'm desperate!
Jokinen, i uppsala brevid svenska akademi bokhandeln finns det en musik affär, det kanske till och med är samma rum, där köpte jag The Black Waltz för nån vecka sen, men jag vet inte om det finns nån ny än.
annars så finns ju alla skivor på