the kalmah/etos connection


wizard in black
Dec 17, 2001
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so before i own any kalmah cds, i read somewhere that kalmah has people/person from etos. i assume that its like 1 or 2 max. fast forward to me getting both kalmah cds and the newest etos. i flip to the pages that have the lineups and its the same fucking people. funny shit. i know jack shit about finnish names and which ones are common, but heres how im geussing it all went down:
2 guitar playing brothers start messing around with some stuff together. they decide it has potential. one guitar playing brother says 'gee whiz, i know a band thats on break right now!' the other brother says 'well then hey get those fools to come jam with us' kalmah is born.
so am i right or am i way off base? hopefully the moderator guy that apears to be brother 2(not the etos one) will answer me.
yeh, last night after i posted that i went to the kalmah page and read the history, but i still dont have it all figure out. i did assume that it was a side-project of 2 brothers from other bands that wanted to play together or somthing. but it looks like antti was in kalmah before he was even in etos. and it looks like the old kalmah members slowy quit and were replaced by guys in etos, not just filling up the rest like i thought maybe. i figured i was probably wrong when i made the original guess heh. oh well. kalmah rocks either way.

np kalmah- black roija