Kalmah-Throne Of Chaos-Ensiferum

Well the only one of those I really bothered listening to was Throne of Chaos...... and THEY SUCK MISSERABLY!

so avioid TOC like the plague dude!
When we are talking about "COB influenced bands" (with other words: clones) then the name Norther should be mentioned, too. I checked out Norther and Kalmah and they are just nice.
Ensiferum are really cool, but they don't sound very much like COB. They also don't use as much guitar and keyboard solos as the other two bands.
Well, I didn't mentioned Norther because I know them and I have their album. Norther is great :headbang: but I think that I'll never find a band of the same kind that could dethrone COB...
Ensiferum is an amazing band! Check 'em out even if they don't sound like COB! Throne of Chaos & Kalmah are...I'd say average...but listenable...
...Norther don't have ANY own identity as a band...bah
I don't judge a band from the cover artwork but the one on the Ensiferum album sucks...Music must be better...The same I could say about 'They Will Return' but what the hell...
no they all kick ass, Throne of Chaos I really enjoy, they got some really good songs, get songs from "Pervertigo", and Ensiferum has some really good songs also, and Kalmah just kicks ass

songs to check out from TOC would be

Fistfucking and Alienseed
Cold bits of fire
Menace and prayer
The system
Truth and Tragedy

I personaly like them a lot, those songs especially
I don't know anything about Throne of Chaos, so I have no opinion, but Kalmah fucking slays, and they really don't sound that much like CoB. Their last album, "They Will Return" is one of the better releases of 2002 IMO.

But Ensiferum's self-titled debut is probably 1 of my 10 favorite albums of all time. It's that good. They sound NOTHING like Bodom, yet incorporate some of the most aggressive guitarwork & riffing you've heard yet. Most of their songs are Viking-ish, meaning big choruses, though no clean vocals are present. I can't recommend them highly enough. If you have a credit card to use, www.theendrecords.com usually has their disc in stock.