Kalmah videos


Jan 27, 2007
everyone has seen the groan of wind video, but i just saw a video for Withering Away and was wondering if anyone knew if it was legit. it did have the guys from the band in there at the very end. anyone know?
yeah at the end they are all in it, its like this guy walking around this house, and the camera is in first person view. and he has a trident. and at the end of the video you see that the band gave him the trident.

theres where i saw it but it prolly doesn't work anymore, i had to refresh like 4000000 times untill it loaded.

edit: can anyone else find one that does work?
sweet find, yeah it was pretty low budget looking and the whole college project is pretty plausible, but i would like to know more about this video. it was a pretty bad ass video though i like it, the cinematography was pretty sweet.
I'm pretty sure the song and the vid are about some crazy guy going on a killing spree and hanging himself. at least thats how I interprate it.