Kamelot-Florida Date


Sep 22, 2005
This may be of interest to Florida fans and possibly Southeast fans of Kamelot. They finally posted the Florida date. Here is the info:

Date August 15th, 2007
Venue Club Bourbon Street
4331 US Hwy 19
New Port Richey, Florida - 34652

Phone: 727-843-0686
Website: http://www.clubbourbonstreet.com

Tickets On sale at:

And the tickets are only $16. That ain't bad. Great value. Show is at 9:30 PM.
I was wondering about the place. Never been there before. A bit further than I wanted to drive, but I won't complain too much. It looks like it is just a little past Dunedin on the map.
I saw them in Seminole the last tour at the Boiler Room. Then they came back to the State Theater in St. Pete when the last ProgPower was happening.
Because Khan hates you.


Damn still 9 hours away. I love Kamelot but I don't think there is any band I would drive 9 hours to see. Sucks being in the Birmingham, but atleast we should get Symphony X and Nightwish, only 2 hours away.
It was a good joke Mosquito. Well done. I must be getting old because I remember clearly going to a theater in Clearwater to see that movie.