Kamelot - Ghost Opera

I have yet to find a khan era kamelot song that i dont adore, im sure Im going to love this album as well, even more when I get it autographed in september!

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I think the general consensus is "good, not great". I think its worth listening to, but it's not as good as many hoped.
So are there more up-tempo songs like the title-track on this album? I love the song Ghost Opera & I felt the one weak point on The Black Halo was the lack of up-tempo moments. So if GO makes up for that then I don't think I'll have to download it first.
Actually, I don't recall that many fast tempo songs on this new one. Personally, I love their post-Epica sound and don't really dig the really fast stuff, as it tends to be more power-metally and cheesy.
But they're supposed to be cheesy. They're called Camelot with a K :p

Siege Perilous is still, to my ears, how Kamelot should sound.

I have listened some more to Ghost Opera though and I'm starting to enjoy the title track a lot more than I did first.
I don't get whats so amazing about Kamelot, they're decent, but nothing blows me away. Though, I think the song Ghost Opera is pretty damn good.
It's no Black Halo, but it is a decent album. I like it better than Epica, but I can't stand Epica.

Yes, Epica is by far their worst and most boring album with Khan. As for Ghost Opera, i don't know but i really love this album better than The Black Halo. Especially the vocal melodies, and Khan's performance and emotion is better for me. In fact, it also has some reconciliation with their pre-epica era also, that means it is dark and gothic like TBH, but the feeling and melody structures are more "European".
I'm the odd one out, the one I really didn't like is THe 4th Legacy. As for the new album, I am so far finding it predictable, which is making it pretty bland to me, other than the leads, those are the best to date.
The song Ghost Opera was really misleading. That's really all that's left that needs to be said.
The song Ghost Opera was really misleading. That's really all that's left that needs to be said.
I see. :erk:

Edit: OK I’ve just finished listening to it now… & WTF this is an awesome album! OK first of all as someone mentioned earlier; Youngblood’s leads have much improved on this one, more flowing & natural sounding than ever before. The synths & backing vocals made for a very cool atmosphere throughout the album, Khan did a great job on lead vocals as usual, & the perfectly placed Silence Of The Darkness & EdenEcho more than satisfied my want for the more fast-paced tunes. :)

This deserves at least an 8/10 from me based on first listen, & I'm definitely picking it up as soon as it's released next month. This is the most solid album I've heard all year thus far. :rock:
I think the new album sounds very fresh. It's just a bit different from what they have done before, but for me it works well. I prefer mid-tempo Kamelot to the speedy stuff, so this album is right up my alley. I also like that they seem to be experimenting a bit, and evolving their sound. I'd highly recommend it .. excellent album. I like it a little better than The Black Halo, and quite a bit better than Epica. The arrow is pointing up again for me when it comes to Kamelot.

I've only heard Ghost Opera (the song) so far, and I think it's awesome: dark and moody, and Khan's voice sounds haunting.

Personally, I loved Black Halo, and I think Karma is pretty good. The groovy side of Kamelot is something I am definitely not prone to disliking, and that's what it seems Ghost Opera will be offering.
Epica Boring?! thats like one of my favorite PM albums ever.....So much better the FOURTH lEGACY or anything before FL. Karma and Black Halo are a lil better IMO but Epica is Sweet. I like GO now.