Kamelot Goes Hollywood

I do think it's funny that someone can try and bash Kamelot, but have a band like Liferuiner on their label. That band is the joke of the hardcore scene.

But the posts following are funnier.

I completely agree about how LR have become a joke since the release of the album i did a few years back. had i known what the future held i would have stopped myself but i cannot undo what has been done. will i repress the album once it's current pressing is sold out? no. that is all i can do at this point it stop it from moving forward.

to the gentleman who seems quite hostile towards me. here are some things to know about myself and my record label.

1) you can talk junk on the tribunal records bands all you wish. it really doesn't hurt my feelings one bit. if it did i would have given up at the first negative record review i received.

2) when you speak of bands on my label like SONOMA AERO and NEW REPUBLIC i am sure you didn't even truly give them a listen. but bands such as those represent "diversification" of my label. i began in 1999 releasing only hardcore music, but since i am not just a fan of that style i figured i would try other things that i enjoy in other genres. if you note at the time i released CANVAS SOLARIS "spatial/design" ep in 2003 there was no one willing to take a chance on an INSTRUMENTAL progressive metal band, but i did because i loved there music. did i care if my hardcore following wouldn't like them, no way. good music that i enjoy is what i try and put out regardless of what i think people will say or even purchase. hell, ATREYU was even risky for me in 2001 due to it having melodic vocals.

so go look at your favorite record label and see how they diversified themselves. we all do it. putting your eggs in one basket can be risky. plus how much fun can it be for a record label to release the same album for 10 years?!?! it's not.

3) you must have missed my statement about Kamelot's The Fourth Legacy being one of my favorite power metal albums and their vocalist Khan also being a favorite of mine. but i stick to MY opinion of that band being over. agree or disagree

4) the point is when do we stop swallowing the same stuff from bands? if anyone here is happy to do that still i have absolutely no issue. do i come here to talk trash on power metal as a whole? no. i am COMING to PP as i have been since god knows when but sometimes i have to speak up regardless of people being upset with me. sometimes the boat needs a slight rocking.

if anyone wants to chat with me in person i am happy to do so.
Coheed & Cambria are amazing and quite progressive both musically and lyrically. Anyone who likes progressive music should already own an album by them. Yes they have singles, but those are only snapshots of the full concept of each album.

Ahem, back to the main thread...

and each album is only a volume of the whole story. and they make comic books of it, too! Their sound did change from a more emo to a more metal one, so people who heard them a while ago probably should give a listen to the non-singles on a more recent album. And I watched Claudio play the theremin with his head while playing the guitar!! what's not to love?!? :rock:
4) the point is when do we stop swallowing the same stuff from bands? if anyone here is happy to do that still i have absolutely no issue.

Your opinions lose credibility when you don't even recognize that some of these bands have made significant musical changes over the years. For example, the #1 discussion topic in the Sonata world over the last two years is the *massive* stylistic change they made on their last album, Unia. You seem unaware of this and hurled this same weak complaint at them:

*YAWN* same song, different year. talk about beating a long dead horse. first three records are must haves the rest you can toss.

I can only conclude that you speak without knowledge, making your opinion uninformed (and therefore, irrelevant).
I actually started getting into C&C back when XM actually had a progressive rock station. One of the few good things they did on that station is play C&C and The Mars Volta, bands I probably wouldn't have given a second glance otherwise. I actually own all of both bands' albums.
it's funny that you still think that KAMELOT is still good. Again ANOTHER tired power metal band that i will say sucks now because they were brought up. please understand before hating on me that The Fourth Legacy and all CONCEPTION records are some of my favorite power/heavy metal records of all time. As well as Khan being one of my favorite vocalists, but KAMELOT are done reinventing their wheel.

so please someone else start posts about BLIND GUARDIAN, EDGUY, GAMMA RAY and HELLOWEEN so i can talk some more smack.


Personally, Kamelot is one of the few bands I look at as actually pushing the genre somewhere else, especially with Ghost Opera which I think is a genius album.

I kid around that they've spearheaded a new genre called AOM - Adult Oriented Metal. But yeah, The last couple Kamelot and Conception album were far from generic in my opinion and am quite shocked to hear anyone could label it that, but, to each their own!

In regard to the original topic, I really liked the music on the trailer and now will have to look into C&C more! I've mainly only heard the singles as well, time to dig a little deeper.

Personally, Kamelot is one of the few bands I look at as actually pushing the genre somewhere else, especially with Ghost Opera which I think is a genius album.

I kid around that they've spearheaded a new genre called AOM - Adult Oriented Metal. But yeah, The last couple Kamelot and Conception album were far from generic in my opinion and am quite shocked to hear anyone could label it that, but, to each their own!

In regard to the original topic, I really liked the music on the trailer and now will have to look into C&C more! I've mainly only heard the singles as well, time to dig a little deeper.

I totally agree with Deron, Kamelot has opened the door for Progressive/Power metal into a whole new genre as he said AOM. My better half one day picked up one of her CDs to take to work and somehow "The Black Halo" cd was in a Keith Urban cas, go figure, well she put it on at work anyway, and to her surpreise, over half the people in the lab were asking 'Who is that"? "I love it, the man's vocie is so good" , so i had to write down all of Kamelot's releases for her to take to work so her fellow lab scientists could go buy them. That was a great call Deron AOM!!!!
Your opinions lose credibility when you don't even recognize that some of these bands have made significant musical changes over the years. For example, the #1 discussion topic in the Sonata world over the last two years is the *massive* stylistic change they made on their last album, Unia. You seem unaware of this and hurled this same weak complaint at them:

I can only conclude that you speak without knowledge, making your opinion uninformed (and therefore, irrelevant).

my opinion is just that my opinion. it's always irrelevant if you wish it so, but saying i am "uninformed" is simply your opinion which i believe to be quite irrelevant, as well. it's just a vicious circle see, hahaha.

which is the point of all this...opinions...you agree or disagree. for example, you can say that the SONATA ARCTICA Unia album was a stylistic change, but i may not have heard those changes when i listened to it a few years back but it doesn't make my opinion less "credible". i hear what i hear and we all hear something different when we listen to any form of music. that is the beauty of music itself, it moves us in different ways.

also, i don't live in "Sonata world" so i wouldn't know anything about what goes on in there. do i need to bring a sword? hahaha, i am kidding.
So, you listened to Unia once right when it came out, you pay no attention to anything in the Sonata world, and then you wonder why people dismiss your unsupported Sonata opinions as uninformed? You just go on thinking all opinions are equal and that the speaker's knowledge/experience level is irrelevant. I'm sure you'll influence lots of people :)
So, you listened to Unia once right when it came out, you pay no attention to anything in the Sonata world, and then you wonder why people dismiss your unsupported Sonata opinions as uninformed? You just go on thinking all opinions are equal and that the speaker's knowledge/experience level is irrelevant. I'm sure you'll influence lots of people :)

why do you assume i am trying to influence anyone. that would be kind of ridiculous, wouldn't it? especially coming to this message board, correct? i merely stated my opinion about a subject that people don't agree with. i am not making my comments for some sort of power trip to influence people. message boards are all about opinions and despite some of my opinions on various bands not being like others i am not afraid to voice it regardless of what people think of me. i have a back bone and quite thick skin.

plus, on this message board how are opinions not equal? your opinion is not more valid than mine just because you have listened to Unia more than me. that is silly. are we discussing some sort of Sonata Arctica science with analytical fact? like the % of power metal riffs vs prog riffs on the album thus proving it's a more progressive album by fact alone? again, silly. you like it, i don't. but saying because you exist in "Sonata world" and therefore your opinion is better than mine is quite an elitist mindset, which you are completely entitled to have and just how you dismiss me for being "uninformed" i can in turn dismiss your opinion as elitist. again, the vicious circle returns.

you are correct that i haven't listened to Unia since it came out. i thought it wasn't any good and moved on. why keep coming back to listen to a record that i didn't like? makes no sense, does it? plus why listen to Unia when i can spin Silence or Winterheart's Guild which are albums by Sonata Arctica that i DO enjoy.
I kid around that they've spearheaded a new genre called AOM - Adult Oriented Metal.

Yeah, Kamelot's actually a pretty unique band nowadays. I frankly thought they peaked with the Karma album, but the newer stuff is still good.

I've actually found that Kamelot is the best band to use to introduce American metal and rock fans to the European sound, at least since Black Halo. I'm actually surprised Kamelot hasn't achieved more commercial success since then.