Kamelot Signing session scheduled for ProgPower


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Mar 29, 2003
This was posted on the BW&BK News board, (http://www.bravewords,com), but there is nothing on the Kamelot website OR the ProgPower site. Glenn, can you confirm this?

KAMELOT, currently in the process of finishing work on a new album, will be appearing at this year’s ProgPower festival in Atlanta, Georgia on September 17th and 18th. An autograph session has been scheduled for the 17th (Friday) at 5:00pm. Fans are invited to “bring your CDs, posters, guitars and body parts for the signing.”
Harvester said:

For the record, all bands will have signing sessions this year. Times will be listed in the program.

This, BTW, means that everyone realllly should read the program. It contains Immediately Useful Information...a fact that I didn't realize last year until it was almost too late. Twice. Duh. :Spin:

Glenn, where will the autographings be this year? Last year it worked out really well in Vinyl up front (except that they had the sound system too loud in there). With the CD dealers relocated there, I'm assuming the autographings are being held somewhere else?
The signings are going to move back to their original place in the hall (where Exploding Ned has been). With the vendors gone, I can simply put the line up against the wall in the hall. It will keep the halls wide since the congestion is now in Vinyls.

Glenn H.
That should work fine. I remember one year when the signings were way over on the left side of the lobby (past Exploding Ned's tables). There was a fair amount of room for snaking a line there.