Kanye west is a dOOOSEbag.

stoopid fuck
stoopid black american rappashitter push in da butt yout miilion dollar vids...
just to be in the spotlight..........asshole
You have to wonder what the fuck was going through his mind. After watching his "apology" on the Jay Leno show, it obvious he is really one of the biggest idiots in show biz.

It went like this:
"at what point did you realize what you were doing wasn't a good idea?"
"when I gave her the mic back and she didn't finish."

I have the program melodyne too doesnt mean Im gonna pretend im a good singer and try to market myslef.lol. wat a fag. wat is it with posers who cant play shit thinkin there hot shit, and people believing them?
I have the program melodyne too doesnt mean Im gonna pretend im a good singer and try to market myslef.lol. wat a fag. wat is it with posers who cant play shit thinkin there hot shit, and people believing them?


Honestly though Kanye and T-Pain should be both but buddies, their egos would compensate for the gayness...only to them
Man I hadn't seen the original until just now. I think it wouldn't have been as bad if she didn't seem so honestly overwhelmed and vulnerable. Maybe she is just a great actress, but it sure seemed step on her puppies neck. Yeah that's douchey but it borders on sociopathic.
Meh, I think calling Kanye a sociopath is giving him too much credit, to me he's just an extreme example of the bragging showboating rap/"ghetto" culture; I mean, seemingly almost every rapper has to reference how awesome he is in one form or another in every big hit, so Kanye to me is just an opportunist trying to (and succeeding, unfortunately) achieve fame by out-dicking the dicks.