Karmic, how many X-mas cards...


Satan's yoyo
Oct 31, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
did you get and how many did you send to your Nvrmr pals and other online friends so far? :dopey: (except to your groupie... :D )

None! Probably the fact that I've basically used up ALL my money on presents for around 10 people.

It's probably too late to send cards now, but I might a little later on next year.
Maybe I'll even include a curl of my luscious hair, too. ;)

But only for those who ask.
the ones you have to send or the ones YOU RECEIVED?

P.S. I'm asking cuz I still have two wrapped up in my drawer, the ones I don't need to send, cuz everyone who was supposed to get one from me got it already.

love and hugs, Tamara