Katagory V vocalist injured!


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
We got the call this week fron Lynn, and he will be absent from rehersals/writting in the studio for posibly the next three weeks!!! :yell:

The story is this: Lynn also performs in a Black Sabbath Tribute band called "Irony Man" on the side, and they had a show this past Saturday. Appearantly, while running across the stage (which was VERY rickity and flimsy), he hit a soft spot in the floor and his foot hyperplexed(sp?), tearing his Achilies Heal!!! :ill:

I have known others that have done so as well, and it is one of the most painful sports injuries, including an 8-10 week time period of healing.

Lynn goes into surgury this Wednsdy, and is sitting at home licking his wounds and will be out of work from his day job laying concrete for the next two months.:erk:

I'm sure he'll be stopping by the forum plenty since he will have nothing else to do...or...nothing he CAN do, so if you can, feel free to wish him a speedy recovery!

Who knows, maybe now that he has the time, he'll figure out how to post on this forum! :D :lol:

Ouchy! :(

Best wishes for a quick and (relatively?) painless recovery, Lynn. But look on the bright side, you can catch up on any books/DVDs/games etc that you might've not had time for! Or pay homage to Robert Plant by recording an album from a wheelchair... ;)

Seriously though, if you need anything, gimme a shout, okay? :)