Kataklysm frontman strikes back: "this isnt sevendust so bring your helmet"

he is so tr00 :lol:. It's kinda funny to see this kind of devotion to the underground, but I can identify and relate to his points. How the hell DID dez get a copy of the album when it isnt out yet? And more importantly, 8 years of nu-metal it took for Dez to realize that he hated everything about it... hmmmm YES!
Heh, I agree that Kataklysm is nothing special... but I would go see them again if they came by here.

The thing I see happening with their first concert, should Devildriver open for Kataklysm, is the metalheads booing the hell out of Devildriver while the nu-metal kids cry... then little pushes will start during Devildriver's set. Thus, begins the fighting among true metalheads and the kiddies. I see the police having to come down to their first show.

Estimate = Devildriver removed from tour one or two shows in (most likely quitting).
I think what Dez meant was that he bought "Shadows and Dust" the newest Kataklysm record. I mean, that's what I thought he meant when I first read that. I think Iacono isn't being true to himself for offering Devildriver a spot on that tour, he should have told them play at a festival or something. I'd love to see the Kataklysm tour for Misery Index...I've loved that band since they formed. Overthrow, commit suicide split album, Retaliate, classics.
the entire argument is superceded by two points:

-Devildriver was totally pwned by the flamenco player outside the venue in anaheim

-Devildriver is a stupid name, even stupider then spelling cataclysm with a K, or creator with a K, or corn with a K, or any stupid combination of Ksomething that can be thought of. Do they "drive" the devil around? ride him like a uber evil pony? what about Devilputter? Maybe Devilchauffeur? Maybe they chase snakes around like those crazy irish? Only when they rename themselves the "Slayers of All Which is Good Including Baby Seals and Fluffy Bunnies" will they ever be as tr00 as the bands whose good name they tarnish by wearing their shirts.